Dukhan VS Noel

Sirius" Dukhan, consider this your only chance to escape."

Dukhan' Right.'

I went out of the room.

Above the Tanzan mountain ~

Saphira was riding the BIG ASS STEELIX.

Saphira " Steelix, you hate them for what they did to your home, right?"

Steelix" RAWR!"

Saphira" Then let's break their HOME!"

Steelix iron headed the mountain. Then, someone arrived riding a hydreigon. Lin.

She looked at Saphira.

Lin" Saphira."

Saphira looked at her and furrowed her brows.

Saphira " Have we met before?"

Lin" No, but do you think you can save your sisters on your own."

Saphira glared at her.

Saphira " I will destroy anything which try to hurt my FAMILY!"

Lin" Friends... Family...Love. Nothing can hold itself before pure POWER. Hydreigon annihilate them."

Hydreigon blasted steelix and Saphira with a blast.

On other side~

I came out of hideout and tremors were stopped after a big one. Then, I went back to Laura's house and found all of them together in sitting room.

Laura " I know how she is but I still worry..."

Dukhan " What happened?"

Shelly " Brother, We saw Saphira fall with a gaint steelix..."

Dukhan ' That explains everything...'

Anna" BUT SHE LOOKED SOO COOL. Can we ride too?"

Noel" I don't know Besides, she fell quite high..."

Charlotte" Nah, she is far clever and I think she would do a " Dragonite save me thingy" in mid air."

Dukhan ' She's kinda right..'

Noel" But who was the person with hydreigon?"

I told them what happened.

Laura" Lin.. but..it can't..."

Charlotte" Yeah.. isn't she dead?"

Dukhan' Okay...I don't like where this is going..'

Anna" The girl who was rude to all.."

Noel" It's scary to me..."

Shelly" Um...do you know her?"

I stood with Shelly with a questioning look.

Laura sighed.

Laura" She was a girl with us in orphanage. She always do bad things to most siblings. She used to broke my things which I always arrange in an even number 8 to make it 7. Because even numbers are kinda..my favourite.

Even Dr. was angry at her. Once she did something bad to him and he...gave her too much..his shock therapy...we heard....she died."

Shelly griped my hand which I rub. She looked at me and I smiled. She smiled too.

Dukhan" I think, we should do something about securing other seals."

Laura" You are right."

She looked at me with smile.

Anna" I think it's time for Noel and Dukhan BATTLE."

Noel" That's okay with me."

We went out and Noel and I stood before each other.

Charlotte be the referee. Noel sent out a porygon-Z and I called out Serrr.

Noel" Use Defence curl."

Serrr" Use Leaf tornado 🌪️."

Serrr' You are mine.'

A compressed tornado of leaves formed around Serrr tail, which he hurled at it. Plus field on our side.

Noel" Use hyperbeam!"

Dukhan" Use leaf blade."

porygon-Z missed and Serrr attacked with his blade like tail.

Serrr' Gotcha.'

porygon-Z FAINTED. Noel sent out Swallow and I called out Pachi.

Noel" Use Ariel ace!"

Dukhan" Use Discharge!"

Pachi' Come!'

Swallow got zapped and paralyzed.

Noel" WHAT?! Use Ariel ace!"

Dukhan" Use Discharge again."

Swallow wasn't able to move and got zapped.

Pachi' Bye-bye!'

Swallow FAINTED.

Laura" Dukhan is strong."

Charlotte" He's a wrecking Ball."

Shelly" Go Brother!"

Noel called out Girafarig and I called out Cara.

Noel" Use hidden Power!"

Dukhan" Dodge with liquidation and use crunch."

Cara dodged the white burst like a rocket and reaching Girafarig bursts out of water and crunch IT to flinch.

Cara' My Prey!'

Noel" Are you kidding ME?!!"

Anna" COOL!!"

Noel" Use hidden Power!"

Dukhan" Use crunch again."

Girafarig didn't move and got bit.

Cara' I am a Predator!'

Noel sent out Bewear and I called out Airia.

Noel" Use Hidden Power!"

Dukhan' He really like that..'

Dukhan" Use Air slash!"

Airia dodged the burst and slashed IT.

Airia' You should aim better.'

Bewear glared at her.

Noel" Use Thunder punch!"

Dukhan" Use extrasensory."

Bewear FAINTED after a jolt before it attacked.

Airia' You are slow.'

Noel sent out Cinccino.

Noel" Use double team!"

Dukhan" Blast them with extrasensory."

Multiple copies of Cinccino were blasted away by a psychic wave.

Airia' You shouldn't underestimate your enemy.'

Noel" I can't believe IT. Use hyper voice!"

Dukhan" Counter it with echoed voice."

Hyper voice was cancelled by a compressed echoed voice.

Airia' You should improve your skills.'

Shelly" AMAZING!"

Noel" Use hidden Power!"

Dukhan" Dodge and use air slash."

Airia dodged the burst and slashed IT.

Airia' You should train.'

Noel sent out Clefable and I called out Gulp.

Noel" Use defence curl."

Dukhan" Use sludge bomb."

Gulp' Gulp blasts.'

Gulp blasted away Clefable with two bombs.

Charlotte" TWO AT A TIME!"

Noel" Use hidden Power!"

Dukhan" Use sludge bomb again."

I said with a smile.

White bursts surrounded gulp in a blast but he came out unscathed and he scratched his belly.

Gulp' Tickles, now Gulp BLASTS!'

Gulp' blasted away Clefable and it FAINTED.