Dairy Farm

The bulls were fighting and miltank was looking at them.

Dukhan ' Courtship?'

I moved left to them and saw the same thing many times while moving through hurdles. I reached a building which turned out to be an organisation responsible for introducing Pokemons in reborn region.

I went to South and came across bulls fighting again. Moving further, I came across a door. When I moved in, it turned out to be Grand Gate. Which was close due to some unknown reason.

I decided to go back but wasn't able to due to difficult terrain. Then I saw a trainer, I defeat before beating a Baffolant and riding Taurus! to cross the area. I decided to do the same and IT was AWESOME!

There were some paths in trees, I left Taurus and moved in. There I saw a red headed woman with silver streaks in a white vest, jeans and some armour part on her shoulder talking to a meteor grunt.

But she looked back and saw me. Grunt run away.

???" Who you think you are? Some hero of Justice?"

Dukhan ' Actually, I am.'

???" If you know what good for you, then mind your own business."

She left after that. I moved forward and came out in grassland. Moving east, I came across a sign board indicating directions of Agate city and Vanhanen Castle. I decided to check Agate city.

I climbed the stairs and entered the check post. The guards were actually sleeping and they didn't budge no matter what I did.

Dukhan ' Looks like a pulse Pokemon is resonsible.'

I decided to go to Vanhanen Castle and went out. Moving further, I came across a MAZE!

Dukhan ' A psychic type?'

I crossed the DAMN maze and reached Vanhanen Castle at 6 PM. I entered, there was a PC, healing machine and a blonde girl in gothic - maid dress?

???" Welcome to Vanhanen Castle, Challenger! Follow me, I shall call my master."

I followed her in this chess theme Castle and came across a door under a stairway after entering a room. Gate opened and a guy in Sherlock Holmes cosplay entered with a gardevoir.

???" Hello, I am one Radomus Vanhanen, the Lord of this Castle."

???" I am the famous Gossip Gardevoir and this is Luna."

Dukhan' A telepathic Pokemon and El's daughter.'

Radomus" You are not surprised, interesting."

G.G." What you can expect from the Famous Dukhan~ He is the one responsible for multiple raids on meteor bases and taking down pulses...he also saved the orphans from that psychotic Dr... But to think, you will used the Aqua gang.... but don't worry, your secrets are safe with me, Detective~"

I narrowed my eyes.

Dukhan' She's dangerous.'

Radomus" Well, she has a great career. Gardevoir please take Luna with you. I want to talk with Dukhan."

G.G." What? A private talk...how sensuous~"

After they left.

Radomus" You had met Luna's father, right?"

Dukhan" Yeah."

Radomus" Then, you know that she isn't my daughter. She came one day and claimed to be my daughter. Which is lie, I lost my family long ago. Even though, I protest. She didn't listen and help herself in. Later, El came and demanded her. Luna refused to recognise him and I made him leave. Which meant, there's a sort of history among them. But she didn't tell me."

Dukhan' Hmmmm.'