Resolution For A New Beginning!

After that she ran away.

Dukhan" Damn it, come."

Cain " What happened?"

Radomus " You will know, when we reach there."

Cain " Where?"

Dukhan" Coral ward."

Cain's eyes widened and he followed us to the Ruins of Coral Gym. Adrian was there, tears were falling out of her eyes. I went to her.

Dukhan" Adrian."

Adrian" W....what happened?"

Dukhan" I don't know everything but what I know, please hear it patiently."

She nodded and I told her what I learnt about team meteor machinations.

Adrian" So much happened."

She said looking at the lake.

Dukhan" But there are people, who are striving for a better future for this region."

Adrian" Can you introduce me to them?"

She said turning towards me.

Dukhan" Yes, come with me."

At night, we reached administration office.

Ame" I want to know everything about the opening of the Grand Gates. So, investigate thoroughly....."

Dukhan" Ame!"

She turned towards me.

Ame" Dukhan, Radomus and Cain?..Who are you?"

???" ADRIAN?!!"

Adrian" Debbie?!"

Debbie ran towards her and hugged her.


Ame" Mrs Brand, Who is she?"

Dukhan" If I may?"

She nodded and I told her everything.

Debbie" So, that's why you look younger and you were stuck in time."

Ame" Another gate... this is troubling."

Dukhan" Yeah but they don't have all seals."

Ame" For now..."

Adrian" Pardon me but I want to resume my position as a Gym leader again and I will also like to help in city's restoration."

Ame" You are more than welcome. Plus, Mrs Brand is already here to help you."

Ame held Debbie's hand.

Adrian" Thanks."

Radomus come forward with G.G. (Gossip Gardevoir).

Radomus" I think you should rest now, detective. We shall have our Gym battle tomorrow and I need to prepare for this. Cain if you want, you can have your gym battle now. In exchange, I will need your help in my battle against detective."

Dukhan" Come on, you are making a big deal out of it."

Cain" I am in."

Radomus" Then, let's go. And it is a big deal, you are more than to seems."

Ame" Even to you?"

Radomus" Yes, even to me. I shall wait for you, detective."

And they teleported.

Dukhan" Well, I am going to poke centre."

I went to Opsidia ward's Pokemon centre and had my dinner, fed my team and slept.


Earlier at Grand Hall.

Adrian" Wow, is he know?"

Ame" No, he doesn't."

Adrian" Well, he would when he will battle you for championship."

Ame" Who knows. Plus, a champion is someone recognise by people."

Adrian" People, Huh!"


At Vanhanen Castle 🏰

Radomus" And that's your job."

Cain" Maaan~"

Radomus" If you want, we still can battle."

Cain shook his head.

Cain" Nah, he is the one who should battle. I have give up already. Dukhan is the one who will not just win the league but also stop team meteor."

Radomus" And we will do our best to guide him."

???' Like, I will have him.'