Shattered Ice

Charlotte " The night, my parents died. I was playing outside with my volpix. Suddenly, fire started in the grass and it spread to our house. Sapphira was able to get out with Laura but our parents weren't that lucky. I was too shocked to realise what happened. When I realised, we were orphan."

Dukhan ' Huh.'

She continues" I used to felt guilty for that night. Then, sometime later. I was hit with a realisation that fire is soothing but also destructive. It is the true beauty of fire. So, I decided to be like fire."

She sent out darmanitan and typhlosion. I sent out Fang and Pachi.

Dukhan " Fang, Pachi! Let's do this!"

Fang' I am ready.'

Pachi' Come!' with sparking cheeks.

Charlotte " Fire vs fire, huh. Darmanitan use rock slide and typhlosion use eruption."

Dukhan" Fang use extreme blitz and Pachi dodge quick attack and use thunder on typhlosion."

Fang shrouded in a blaze and vanished before rocks and fire dropped on him, Pachi vanished too.


Darmanitan was blasted to the wall, which fell after making a print on it. Fang was back.

Fang' You are slow.'


Dukhan " You like it."


A bolt fell on typhlosion, who was paralyzed and Pachi was back too.

Pachi' Haaah~'

Charlotte " Lucky shot."

Charlotte ' But that arcanine didn't recoil?!'

She sent out rotom.

Charlotte " Typhlosion use heat wave and rotom use reflect!"

Dukhan" Fang use extreme blitz again and Pachi dodge with spark and use discharge."

Fang shrouded in flare and vanished.


Rotom also fell from wall after making a print.

Fang' Wanna hide?'


Pachi shrouded in electricity and flew up to doge the heat. Then, shot multiple bolts towards typhlosion.



Pachi' Was that too much?'

Charlotte sent out delphox and volcarona.

Charlotte " Delphox use psyshock on pachirisu and volcarona use quiver dance on arcanine!"

Dukhan" Fang close your eyes and use your senses. Then use extreme blitz again on volcarona. Pachi dodge with spark and use thunder."

Fang closed his eyes. Then, he was shrouded in flare and vanished.


Charlotte ' HE CAN FIGHT LIKE THIS!!!'

Pachi shrouded in electricity and flew up to doge the coming projections.



A thunder cloud formed.

Charlotte " A third time...."


A lightning ⚡ fell on delphox.

Charlotte" WHAT?!"

Dukhan " I trained Pachi to do multiple shots."

Pachi' Yep!'

She sent out ninetails.

Charlotte" Delphox use light screen and ninetails use nasty plot."

Dukhan" Fang use extreme blitz again and Pachi use thunder."

Fang shrouded in flare and vanished.


Fang' Don't try.'


A bolt fell.

Pachi' Done already?'

Charlotte " DAMN! I lost. Without even doing anything."

Dukhan" We are kinda tight on schedule."

Charlotte " Sigh~"

She gave me Cinder badge and TM flamethrower.

I went out and moved towards the barrier. I saw Sigmund talking to Sapphira.

Sigmund " Soon, your sisters will be back with me."

Dukhan" I don't think so. A new wardon is going to be selected for orphanage."

Sapphira" And when the barrier will gone. I will have my REVENGE!"

He went away. Sapphira looked at me.

Sapphira" So, you won detective."

Dukhan " Yeah and I am going to Ametrine city."

Sapphira" Good luck, detective."

Dukhan" Thanks."

I went to poke centre and heal my team. Then, I went to others.

Shelly " Brother, you are back."

Dukhan " Yeah, with badge and TM."

Anna" Then, here is dive. I won in the circus before."

I took it.

Dukhan" Alright. I am leaving for Ametrine city."

Shelly" I am going too."

I nodded and we left at 9 pm.


We went through route 4 and 3. Then, we entered the cave.

Dukhan " So, dive make a shield around Pokemon and it's trainer to breathe. Should I go in my underwear?"

Shelly" I think, it will be okay."

I made her stop at the ice wall. I use dive in the river and cross the ice above. When, I came out. A pulse avalog was there. It seemed to be hurt.

Dukhan " Let me help you."

I called fang.

Dukhan " Use extreme blitz."

Fang shrouded in flare and vanished.


Avalog shattered into pieces.

Dukhan " Rest in peace."

Fang' Rest in peace.'

I called him back. Soon, the wall shattered. Shelly came.

Shelly " Brother! You did it."

Dukhan " Yeah. Let's go.


Charlotte went to Sapphira.

Sapphira " So, how was your battle with detective?"

Charlotte" IT wasn't a battle....more like a toddler against an adult."

Sapphira" Seems like, I will have a great battle."

Charlotte" It will be same to you."

Sapphira" Tell me, I want to know about your battle and him." She said with a smile.

Charlotte ' Wait...NO WAY!!! SAPPHIRA?!..'


We reached Ametrine city at 12 am.

Shelly " It's..... really" She said shivering.

I gave her my jacket.

Shelly " But what.... about you."

Dukhan " I am okay."

We went to poke centre, healed my team. I told nurse Joy about the pathway after showing my badge. She was happy. She spread the news through some people. We learnt about two things. A haunted house and a guardian angel. We moved forward to the haunted house. When we went in.

Shelly " B.. brother...why are ...we here instead...of finding Heather..."

Dukhan" First, it's pretty obvious. Who is the guardian angel, helping people here."

Shelly" Heather."

Dukhan" Second, I had a hunch which seemed to be correct. Look." I pointed to a machine in the house.

Shelly" A PULSE?!!"

Dukhan " Seems like a prototype, looks like it started here. Let's find some clues."

After some time...

Shelly" I found a diary."

Dukhan " Could be useful."

Shelly" Is it alright?"

Dukhan" In this case, yeah."

We read it. It belonged to a girl Lumina Seijaya. She lost her parents due to an epidemic. So, she shifted here with her sister Evelyn. Later, she got sick too. Her sister tried to help her. She even had a guilty conscience. Then, Evelyn tried to cure her by making pulse.

But meteor found about it. They use Lumina as a hostage, to make Evelyn work for them. But in a test of a megnatone, which evolved into megnazone. They all merged together and Zel was formed.

Shelly " What does it mean?"

I explained to her.

Shelly" OH MY GOD!"

Dukhan " Let's go, we are going against Blake now."

She nodded and we went out. After some searching, we found that he lived in a hotel. We went to his flat. I broke his door.

Shelly " Eep! Brother!.."

Dukhan " Not now, Shelly."

I moved in and found him near tv. A blue spikey haired guy in blue shirt, pants, jacket and shoes.

Dukhan" Are you Blake Whittaker?"

Blake " Yeah."

I grabbed him by his jacket's collars.

Dukhan" Alright scum, where is Heather?"

Blake " Excuse me? Who are you?"

Dukhan" Don't play games with me, punk. You know pretty well who I am, Canis major." I said furrowing.

Blake" They were right about you, detective. But you don't know me." He pressed a hidden button on the wall.

Smoke screen appeared.

Cough! Cough!

After it gone.

Shelly " Brother! Your bag is open."

Dukhan " He got the ring." I said checking my bag.

Shelly" Now, what? What about Heather?"

Dukhan" Let's ask out, where he went."

We went down and came out of hotel.

Cal" Dukhan! Shelly!"

Shelly " Brother!" She said coming behind me.

Cal" Huh?"

Dukhan" What are you doing here, Cal?"

Cal" I was about to ask the same thing."

Shelly " We are here for Heather."

Cal" She's here?!"

Dukhan" She was supposed to be adopted by Blake, who probably kept her somewhere. When he learnt, she was the guardian angel."

Cal" Wait?! What?"

Dukhan" He also has the Ruby ring now."

I told him about what happened.

Cal" Seems like him, always prepared."

Dukhan " What's with the hair?"

Shelly" I was about to ask the same thing." She said from behind me.

Cal" It's my natural colour, I changed it to be better than him. Same reason, I entered the league and team meteor..."

Shelly" WHAT?!!"

Dukhan" It's true."

Cal" You didn't tell her."

Dukhan" Didn't got the opportunity."

Cal" I have a news, a meteor chopper is coming here."

Dukhan" He is running away." I said furrowing.

Cal" Yeah."

Shelly" Brother... what about Heather..."

Dukhan " Do you have some ideas, where he kept her? She will be useful with her Salamence."

Shelly" Actually, she is an elite four."

Dukhan " I figured that much myself."

Cal" Of course, you do and he had a hidden passage in his room. But password might be changed now."

Dukhan" Got it. You go and stall him. We are going to look for his passage way."

Cal" Okay."

After he went.

Dukhan" Let's go, Shelly."

Shelly " But you have to tell me about Cal."

Dukhan " Alright."

We went in and I told her everything including my form.

Shelly " So, you and Victoria. Huh."

Dukhan " Yeah."

Shelly" But you said you didn't trust him."

Dukhan " In case of Blake, yes. Plus, it is his second chance."

Shelly" Hehehe ~ You are really nice person, you know."

Dukhan" Let's find the passage."

After a while, I found some clues which with his PC open a secret door.

Shelly " Brother! You are amazing."

Dukhan " Come."

We went in and came into a cave. Moving forward in east, we came out of cave near the mountain peak. We moved northeast and came across a storage house.

Shelly " Is this..."

Dukhan " The place where the food and Heather are kept."

Shelly moved towards the door.

Shelly" Heather!... Heather! Can you hear me?!"


Heather, who was sitting inside the house.

Heather ' Liar! Heather, you can live as you wish. LIAR!'

She stood up.

Heather ' So, that's what you meant about being a cruel world.'

She moved towards the wall.

Heather ' Even mom leave me.... I hate IT!'


She punched the wall.

Heather" Ouch!"

Heather ' He kept me here, when he learnt that it was me helping people. I was distributing this food.'

Heather ' I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I HATE IT!..."

Heather ' No, it's my fault...I keep my friend away...I ran away... even Dukhan....'

Shelly " Heather!"

Heather " Shelly?! Is this you?!" She said moving forward.



Dukhan " Alright. Move aside."

I called out Airia.

Dukhan" Airia use extrasensory to break the door."

Airia pulled the door out. I called her back. Heather came out.

Shelly " HEATHER!"

She ran towards her and hug her.

Heather" You came for me?"

Shelly " Yes! We are friends."

Heather" But I wasn't a friend to you..."

Shelly " My brother has taught me that sometimes, we should forget the past and move forward."

Heather" Really? Can we?"

Shelly" Yes, we can."

Heather" Dukhan, thanks for saving me."

Shelly " Actually, IT was brother, who figure out about Blake. He was the one who found this passage also."

Heather" B.. brother?"

Shelly" It's a long story. By the way, he is your legal brother too now."

Heather" HUH?!"

Dukhan" Relax. I am not forcing you. Just trying to keep you safe."

Heather" Why?"

Dukhan" I promised Corey."

I show her his ring. She touched it.

Heather" Papa..."

Shelly put her hand on her shoulder.

Dukhan" Besides we need your help. Team meteor choppers are coming here."

Heather" Huh?"

Shelly" Blake has your mom's ring. He is going to give them."

Heather" My mom's ring, why?!"

Dukhan" Shelly can tell you everything. Now you need to go. I will follow him through mountain."

Shelly" Brother! Your jacket." She said giving it back.

Dukhan" But.."

Shelly" I will be okay."

I nodded and they took off on Salamence. I went back through the cave to room. Then, I moved towards the mountain peak by coming out of hotel. Moving northwest, I came across Cal and Blake.

Dukhan " Stop right there."

Blake " You again."

Cal" It's enough, brother."

Grunts" We don't think so." They said landing between us.

Blake" Hahaha ~"

He ran away. We moved forward battling grunts. After some time, Heather and Shelly came.

Heather " They are too many and I can't guarantee Shelly's safety."

Cal" I can go with you."

Heather" Cal, right? But I would be keeping an eye on you."

Cal" Sure."

Cal flew on his Charizard with her.

Shelly" Brother, let's go."

Dukhan " Right."

We moved forward battling grunts. When we were near peak.

Aster" Dukhan!"

Dukhan " Aster."

Shelly " Eclipse's partner?"

Dukhan " Yes, moved forward. I will be there."

Shelly " Ok, come soon."

Dukhan" What is it?"

Aster " I finally... caught up.. to you." He said panting.

Aster" I have something, you need. TM waterfall." He said showing me.

Dukhan" Aster, are you?"

Aster " You want it, right! Let's battle."