A City Reborn

I went to arena and met Samson in PC room.

Samson " Dukhan, you are back."

Dukhan " Yea, any luck with Terra?"

Samson" Actually....she just... disappeared....do you think...I deleted her...?"

Dukhan" No. Even though she was a lot crazy. She is smart. So, I think she is in the internet."

Samson" Pardon?"

Dukhan" Just a hunch."

Samson " Okay."

Then, Ciel came.

Ciel" Dukhan, you are back?"

Dukhan " Yes, I am here for battle. Where can I get your battle pass?"

Ciel" Oh! THAT, it's here. Take it." She said pulling out one.

Dukhan" Ciel?"

Ciel " I know, you have bigger things to worry about then our battle. So, take it."

Samson" She's right."

Dukhan" Haah~ Okay."

I took it. Then, Anastasia arrived.

Anastasia" Dukhan, you are back.... with a battle PASS?! ALRIGHT! I am going to prepare the arena."

After some time, we were standing across each other in the arena.



Ciel" Thank you my fans!"

Anastasia" NOW! BEGINS!"

Ciel sent out Togekiss and I sent out Pachi.

Dukhan " Stage is yours."

Pachi' Hehehe!'

Ciel " Use Aura sphere."

Dukhan " Dodge with quick attack and use Thunder."

Pachi vanished before the ball hits.


A bolt fell on Togekiss from a thundercloud.

Ciel " A first strike?!"

She sent out minior and I sent out Cara.

Ciel " Use shell smash !"

Dukhan " Use liquidating crunch."

Cara blasted off towards it as a big water shark with shiny teeth.


It was blasted away.

Cara' Nice try, Rocky!'

Ciel " Haah~"

She sent out noivern.

Ciel " Use Dragon pulse!"

Dukhan " Dodge with liquidation and use Ice fang."

Cara blasted off like a rocket and dodge the pursuing dragon headed beam. Then she went towards him.


She came out of water with icy fangs and...


Cara' Take this, you lizard!'

Ciel " AMAZING!"

Ciel" Use boomburst!"

Dukhan" Protect yourself with liquidation and use ice fang."

Cara surrounded herself with large amount of water.


Ciel " FOR REAL?!!"

Then, unscathed Cara jumped with icy fangs....


Cara' You need to do better than THAT!'

Ciel " Use Acrobatics!"

Dukhan " Dodge with liquidation and use Ice fang."

Cara barely dodged the incoming noivern, blasting like a rocket and came above it...


She fell on him with icy fangs.


Cara' It was a good battle!'

Ciel sent out Gliscor.

Ciel " Use acrobatics!"

Dukhan " Use liquidating crunch."

Both of them clashed.


Cara' Damn!'

Ciel " Use roost!"

Dukhan " Use ice fang multiple times."


Cara' Take... this... you...chimera...'

Ciel sent out fire type oricorio and I sent out Fang.

Ciel " Use air slash!"

Dukhan " Use extreme blitz."

Fang shrouded in flare and vanished before the slash...


Ciel " WHAT?!!"

Fang' Should use a fire move.'

Oricorio was grounded.

She sent out altaria.

Ciel "Let's show him our POWER! MEGA EVOLVE!"

After a light show, a mega Pokemon was there.

Ciel " Use Sing!"

Dukhan " Use extreme blitz again."


Although, altaria was blasted before sing. She was still flying.

Fang' It's a first.'

Dukhan " A mega Pokemon, huh."

Ciel " Use hyper voice!"

Fang shrouded in flare vanished again...


Fang' You have my respect for making me use it a second time.'



After a while, I was given my badge and TM acrobatics.

Ciel " So, I guess you are leaving."

Dukhan " Yeah."

Samson" Good luck, man."

We shook hands.

Anastasia " Please come again and do something about Agate city."

Dukhan" I will."

Then, after teaching Airia fly. I rode on her. She was really big now. During my flight, I saw the restored Reborn city. Man~ This was beautiful ❤️. At 12 am, I landed near the Perdot ward poke centre and slept for a night after a while.


Lin P.O.V.

In a high tech lab.

Lin" I knew that plan was useless. But it ends well."

She turned towards Sirius.

Lin" Ace had been taken care of PERMANENTLY. With this, Solaris has no trump card."

Sirius" What about Detective? I just learnt that he has arrived."

Lin" HIM, Huh. I happened to have a great plan for his return in the city."


In morning 🌄

At 6am, I woke up and had my breakfast. Then, I healed and fed my team. Then, I headed to grand Hall. I really like the city now. When I entered the hall, I saw Ame talking to some people. I went to her.

Ame" Hello, Dukhan. It's been a while."

Dukhan " Yeah, it is."

Ame" So, what's bring you here?"

Dukhan " Until when the train will be operable." I asked.

Ame" It will take a week." She said sadly.

Dukhan " Alright. Guess I have to wait for Titania's battle now." I said shrugging.

Ame" Actually, Adrian is next." She said with a smile.

Dukhan" She, huh."

Ame" Before that, can you help me in an endeavour?" She asked.

Dukhan" Is this about Team Meteor?" I asked seriously.

Ame" Well, yeah." She said with a wry smile.

Dukhan" Alright."

I nodded.

Ame" But there are still people left. Can you get Adrian and Victoria? I am going to call other?"

Dukhan" Sure."

Ame" Adrian would be in Coral ward and Victoria went to Beryl ward."

Dukhan" Okay."

I went out and moved towards Coral ward. During which I came across a jewelry shop.

Dukhan " Hmm, I think it's about time."

I went in. There were some varieties. There was a sales girl here. I went to her.

Dukhan " Excuse me."

Sales girl " Yes! Welcome to our shop! How can I help you?"

Dukhan" I want an engagement ring for my fiancee."

Sales girl" Then, you came at the right shop! "

After some time, I finalized a platinum ring with a black diamond. Kelly already had given me Victoria's measurements.

Sales girl " Alright! Please come after a week to have it."

Dukhan" Sure "

I left after payment. I went to Coral ward. This place was looking amazing now. With plants and all. I moved around and found Adrian discussing things with people.

Adrian " Alright, we will continue later." She said looking at me.

Dukhan" You really done it, huh." I said approaching her.

Adrian" Well, people really help." She said with a smile.

Dukhan" Well, I can see that."

Adrian " So, are you here for a gym battle?"

Dukhan " Not now, might be later. Ame needs us against Team Meteor."

Adrian" I see and you have reached my level. I will be waiting for your battle. Then, I will be there after some work."

Dukhan" Sure." I said leaving towards Victoria.

At 10:30 am, I reached Jasper ward.

Dukhan " Now, this doesn't look like a dystopian city anymore."

I went to police department. When, I went in.

Chief " Ah! If isn't our great detective." He said with a meaningful smile.

Dukhan" Come on, sir. It is just an alias." I said with wry smile.

Chief" Yes but I think, it is about time you be one." He said getting serious.

Dukhan" Huh?!"

Chief " Officer Dukhan! From this moment, you are a detective of Reborn police department!"


Everyone was clapping.

Dukhan" Wait?! You planned this together!" I said looking around.

Chief" Considering your achievements, yes! "

Then, he took out a new I.D. with some papers.

Chief " This is your new I.D. and some papers related to your future house." He said giving me.

Dukhan" A HOUSE?!" I said surprised.

Chief " Yes, like any high officer, now you have a right to own a house in any city of Reborn Region."

George" I have mine in Peridot ward." He said giving an example.

Dukhan" Then, can I have one in Ametrine city?"

Chief" Why Ametrine city?"

Dukhan" Because during my visit, I saw that they neither have a gym leader or someone else. This way, we could be connected with Ametrine city."

Chief" Hmm, in that case, I will allow it. Fill the papers and give these to me."

I filled the paperwork and gave these to chief.

Dukhan " There is another thing. Can you prepare paperwork for my adoption of Shelly?"

Chief" Hmm, the Lapis gym leader... Sure. Come later."

I nodded and left. I went to the Jasper ward. It was also changed with all the greenery. I moved around and came across cemetery.

Dukhan ' Could it be?'

I went in and saw her near a momento of Kiki. I went towards her.

Dukhan " Hey."

Victoria " Dukhan!"

She came and hugged me.

Dukhan " What's with a new momento?" I asked hugging her back.

Victoria" Ame wanted to do this." She said looking at it.

Dukhan" I see. Here." I said, giving her the TM strength.

Victoria " Did you have a battle with....Cal?" She asked holding the TM.

Dukhan" I met him after my 5th badge....." I told her about his stupid attempt of sabotage and what could happen.


Dukhan" Ssshhh! We are in a cemetery."

Then, I told her about how he helped me in Ametrine city.

Victoria " So, do you trust him now?" She asked deadpan.

Dukhan" Hmm, not completely." I said.

Victoria " So, why are you here?" She asked with a smile.

Dukhan" Ame needs your help in a raid on meteor probably last base in Reborn city." I said seriously.

Victoria " Team Meteor, huh. I am ready." She said with determination.

Dukhan" You are strong now."

Victoria " I have to because you keep getting stronger, detective ~" She said with a meaningful smile.

Dukhan" You heard, huh." I said scratching my cheek.

Victoria" Well, you have earned that nickname." She said with a wink.

Dukhan" Well, it's official now." I said flashing my new I.D.

Victoria" Well about time." She said looking at it.

Dukhan" Than, shall we?" I gestured.

She nodded and we left.


Adrian P.O.V.

I went in the Grand Hall and met Ame.

Ame" So, Dukhan gave you the message."

Adrian " Yes, I come after some work."

Ame" It's okay." She said with a smile.

Adrian " Are you going to tell him about your title?" I asked.

Ame" Yes. But I think, he already knows about it." She said pondering.

Adrian" He's our ' Detective ' afterall." I said with a smile.

Ame" You are right."

Then, she started talking with the staff.

Adrian ' Dukhan. I still remembered the people reactions who came as volunteers...' I thought recalling.


After Dukhan depart, I started a campaign to find volunteers from the public to help in our restoration project. And unbelievably a lot of people came. While I was discussing about our project, someone asked.

???" Pardon me, is a black haired trainer with a pachirisu which usually sit on his shoulder part of this team?" Said a girl.

Adrian/Chief/Ame" Huh?!"

I asked Ame to put his picture on our projector. When it was displayed.

???" THAT'S HIM!" Said the girl with excitement.

???" YEAH! IT'S HIM!"

???" Yeah! HE SAVED ME!"





All these people, who had came there. They were all helped in many ways by Dukhan.

Adrian ' A champion is representative of the region's population, huh.'

I looked with a smile towards Ame, who was shocked. I looked at people again.

Adrian " Yes, he is a part of our team but unlike us, he facing the disease which inflicted Reborn city alone. Team Meteor." I said to gauge their reactions.

???" Well....if it's him...he will stop them."

???" Yeah! He is really strong."

???" He's smart too."

???" He is a lad, who is filled with determination."

???" He's fearless too."

Unlike what I expected, people were really calm and positive about the future and Dukhan's fight against Team Meteor. At that time, police chief said.

Chief " He is not just a trainer but also a brave member of Reborn Police Department."

???" WHAT?!!"

???" REALLY?!!!"

???" AWESOME!!"

After the exposure of his occupation, people were more enthusiastic. After people VOW to be a part of our project. I went to Ame.

Adrian " So, do you still think, he is not a champion material?" I asked with a smile.

Ame" After what I saw today. No." She said with a smile.


In present

I really want to battle him.


Dukhan P.O.V.

We reached the Grand Hall at 3 pm. We were talking all time.

Victoria " So, that's how you get your 7th badge."

I nodded. Moving forward, we saw Adrian, Ame and DJ Arclight, a member of Reborn night club. When, we reached.

Ame" Good, everyone is here. Today, we are going to raid on Team Meteor last base here. Any guesses?" She asked looking at us.

Dukhan" Devon Corporation." I said and watched everyone looking surprisingly at me.

Dukhan " So, you guys finally realised too. Must be during the restoration, I heard they didn't help like other corporations." I said hitting the bullseye.

Victoria" When did you learned about it?" She asked.

Dukhan" During my first visit, they were too low grade and really suspicious?" I said recalling holding my chin with two fingers.

Victoria " How?" She asked with a raised brow.

Dukhan " I did work in Silph Co. Johto branch remember." I said.

Seeing her nod, Ame asked.

Ame" Why didn't you report?"

Dukhan " Against a big corporation like that I needed solid evidence, considering raids on all the bases. It was their probable main hideout." I said.

Ame" You are right but... probably." She asked.

Dukhan" One should never underestimate their enemies."