Future Plans

Adrian " So, what now?"

Dukhan " We will went out and bring police for investigation and for Ame's remains."

After that we moved forward and came out near the Spice restaurant.

Victoria " Wait, we were here."

Dukhan " Seems like, they brought us here."

Adrian " So, there were more...."

Dukhan" Let's go." I said piggy backing DJ.

We went to the Grand Hall. I called the chief. Then, we went to both Devon Corporation and the place they took us. We brought Ame's remains. After some time, we gave her a funeral. People were sad but some were still determined. I also learnt about my reputation here. After a week, I was standing in front of Grand Hall.

Victoria was standing near the lake. I went to her.

Victoria " What do you think is going to happen to Reborn?"

Dukhan" I don't have precognition but I will say that we will win. For the people, who want to live in this new Reborn."

Victoria" And how is that going to happen?" She said looking at me.

Dukhan" I am going after Team Meteor. I will stop Lin for good." I said furrowing my brows.

Victoria" What?! ARE YOU?!"

Dukhan " Yes. Besides I am a cop remember."

Victoria " Haah~ I always forget that."

Dukhan " Really? Thanks."

Victoria" You are welcome."

We laughed.

Victoria " You are going to challenge Adrian."

Dukhan " Yes. What about you?"

Victoria" I am going to join Grand Hall."

Dukhan " Really?"

Victoria" Yes, I am going now."

Dukhan" Then, let me escort you."

Victoria" Sure."

We moved forward and when we were about to enter. I pulled her in the small garden in the left side.

Victoria " Dukhan?"

Dukhan " I was going to do this after our battle but due to many reasons.... But this is the place, we met first time. So..." I said sitting in a proposing style.

Victoria' Is he?' She thought with widening eyes.

I took out the ring I got recently in a box. I opened it....

Dukhan " Victoria Marlow, even though, our union was decided by Kiki. I want our relationship to be official. So, Victoria Marlow, will you be my life partner?" I said with a smile, raising the box with visible ring.


Victoria looked at me and the ring.

Victoria " Yes, I will be your life partner, Dukhan." She said teary eyes and a smile while blushing.

I stood up and put the ring on her ring finger. After that, we hug and kiss each other.


After we separated, I raised my right elbow.

Dukhan " Shall we?"

She put her left arm around it.

Victoria" Sure."

When, we went in. People were looking at us. Miss Bethany, who was working with a sad face, saw us and the ring.

Bethany " OMG! IS IT TRUE?!" She said surprised.

Dukhan" Yes, I was going to make our relationship official."

Bethany" Thanks God! I was praying for a good news. But this is better. But be careful, you have many rivals out there Victoria."

Dukhan" I won't cheat her." I said.

Victoria' Huh?'

Bethany' He doesn't know?!!'

Dukhan " Alright, I am leaving." I said going out.


Victoria P.O.V.

Victoria " So, what am I going to do?"

Bethany " Come, actually you gonna like it or maybe our detective ~"

Victoria" Come on! Don't tease me, Miss Bethany."

Bethany" Ok. But I am surprised."

Victoria" Due to ring."

Bethany" Yes but what really surprised me was that our detective isn't aware, he could have multiple wives."

Victoria" Wait?! So, ....by rivals... you meant that!!"

Dukhan" Yes."

Victoria" But he is neither a gym leader nor elite four. He is a detective."

Bethany" But he is going to be a champion."

Victoria " Yes, he could be one in future."

Bethany " Actually, Adrian wants him to be one sooner. It was him because of which people volunteered in our restoration project. He is the reason, people are still hopeful after....Ame."

Victoria" I get what you mean. But for now, he is focused on Team Meteor. Actually, if Kiki didn't engaged us. He was not going to confess his feelings to me."

Bethany" Did he told you that?!"

I nodded.

Bethany " Maybe that's why he said because he doesn't pay attention to others. But I still think, he is going to be a champion soon."

Victoria" Why?"

Bethany" Is... because of... this?" She showed me a document with sad face.

Victoria " YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?!!" I said angrily holding the document.

Bethany" So, what you think now?"

Victoria " He will do IT."

Bethany" I know, that's why I am telling you, you gonna have lot of sister wives."

Victoria" Come on. Even rich or elite trainers like gym leaders and elite four have maximum four wives. But it is due to their monetary background. Most of them, have devorce."

Bethany" But the detective is different ~ I saw him work this week. And compare to normal officers, he worked a lot."

Victoria" So?"

Bethany" Most important thing was he wasn't tired at all. He really has stamina. And that is what cause devorces in those couples, you mentioned. But in his case, you need to be careful ~"

Victoria" MISS BETHANY!!!" She yelled with red face.



At 10 am, I reached Adrian's gym. When I went in, she was doing some work. I moved to the trainer link. When I turned it on, Victoria was on it.

Dukhan " Damn! Here I thought, I would see you less." I said with a smile.

Victoria" Hussh~ I am working." She said with a serious face.

Dukhan" Okay."

Victoria " Alright then...."

Dukhan " Hmm, okay. I think, I will be fine."

Victoria " Yes, you will."

Then, I moved Adrian. She saw me coming and stood up.

Adrian " So, you have finally came." She said with a smile.

Dukhan " It was about time."

Adrian " Right. Dukhan, I want thank you for your help with finding volunteers."

Dukhan" Actually, I think if you just said that I am part of the team more would come for the project." I said recalling my....fans.

Dukhan ' Some of girls just wanna a one time....there were Gays too.....buuurrrr!'

I shivered.

Adrian " Dukhan, I have a request." She said with a serious face.

Dukhan" If it's in my power, I will."

Adrian " I want you to become our new champion."

Dukhan" Huh?"

Adrian" Yes and you are not surprised."

Dukhan " Well, many people asked me that."

Adrian " Then, consider me one of those."

Dukhan " But I am focused on gyms and Team Meteor now."

Adrian" It's related to them."

Dukhan" What? How.... wait....Lin did defeat her... and considering Elias's connections and Bennett's vote would broke the stalemate."

I looked at her.

Dukhan" So, Lin is the current champion."

Adrian " Well, I am not surprised considering your M.O. detective but yes. She is. That's why I want you to become our new champion."

Dukhan" And here, I thought I would be one in my mid twenties or something."

Adrian" Isn't that too long?"

Dukhan" I was thinking of spending time with my future family and career."

Adrian" I see, Then, shall we?"

I nodded. After standing across each other on battlefield.

Adrian " Actually, I have another request." She said shyly.

Dukhan" Okay."

Adrian" I want you to battle me like a veteran champion fighting for his title against a challenger." She said with a silly expression.

Dukhan ' Roleplay, huh.'

Dukhan " If you think you have, what it takes to be a champion. Then, come." I said with a dramatic expression.

With a smile, she sent out a grandbull named Eolande and a gardevoir named Kailen. I sent out Serrr and Pachi.

Adrian " I will prove it. Eolande use earthquake and Kailen use psychic on serperior!"

Dukhan" Serrr use draining storm and Pachi dodge with Dis-spark."

Serrr who was lifted in air shot a compressed storm with draining ability.

Serrr' You should try something else.'

Pachi went like a lightning rocket towards Eolande before the tremors.


Pachi' You are hard!'

Pokemon lost and looked like field can restore.


She sent out Prydrei and I sent out Airia.

Adrian " Eolande use rock slide and Prydrei use tailwind."

Dukhan" Pachi use quick spark and Airia dodge and use air slash on Prydrei."

Pachi vanished and sparks appeared before each rock fell.


Pachi' Take this you, Mr Macho!'

Airia dodged the rocks and slashed her.

Airia ' I have experience with this.'

Adrian " Another."

She sent out orphne and I sent out Fang.

Adrian " Let's show this champion our POWER! MEGA EVOLUTION!"

Dukhan" Hahahaha!"

Fang' My future is bright.'

After evolution.

Adrian " Prydrei use dazzling gleam and Orphne use play rough on arcanine!"

Dukhan" Airia protect yourself with extrasensory then use air slash on Prydrei and fang use extreme blitz on Orphne."

Fang shrouded in flare and vanished.


Orphne was still able to stand.

Adrian " SUCH SPEED!!!"

Airia protected herself in a sphere and slashed her again.

Adrian sent out Rhyannon and I sent out Gulp.

Adrian " Orphne use sucker punch on swalot and Rhyannon use dazzling gleam."

Dukhan" Fang use extreme blitz again on Orphne and Gulp tank it and use Gunk spray."


Fang' It's good to have competition.'


Gulp' Tickles.'

He sprayed gunk on her.

Adrian " All are monsters..."

She sent out Orin.

Adrian" Use psyshock on swalot!"

Dukhan " Gulp dodge it using bodyslam and use Gunk spray."


After dodging shocks, he blasted him away.

Gulp' Gulp BLAST!!!'

Adrian " HE CAN JUMP!!!"

Dukhan " Yeah and looks like you lose challenger." I acted.

Adrian" Looks like you gonna be till your old age."

Dukhan" Maybe or my kids can succeed me in future if they want to."

Adrian" Hmmmm, another fantasy, I want to see."

Then, I was given Amaranth badge and TM dazzling gleam.

Adrian " Now, go forward."

I nodded and left.

At 12 pm, I reached Grand Hall. I healed my Pokemons and ordered lunch for my Pokemons, Victoria and me. I went in the administration block under the reception area. I saw her diligently working with a frown. I went to Mrs Bethany.

Dukhan " Someone looks busy."

Mrs Bethany " Oh! You are back already and yes, she is doing her best in these times."

I went to her and helped in her documentation by putting the commands. She was trying to. Realising, she turned.

Dukhan " I can help you with your work."

Victoria " Thanks, I didn't think, it will be this....Hard."

We laughed. Then, our lunch arrived. I called out my Pokemons.

Dukhan " Let's eat." I said holding her hand.

She nodded with a smile. We had our lunch. After that...

Dukhan " I am going to desert. So, I came to see you."

Victoria" I see." She said with a blush.

I stood up and kissed her forehead and went out. I moved to Grand Station. I bought the ticket and moved into the train. After few minutes, it started. After a while, I reached a stop and came out. The train moved further. I was in the middle of the desert. I checked the map and learnt that I had to move by feet. I started walking to the Scrapyard.

Yes, that's where Titania gym was located. At 3 pm, after a walk of 2 and half hours through the desert, I arrived at the graveyard of trains?

Dukhan " Haaah~"

After one hour, I reached a some sort of refuge camp. There, residents showed me a train bookey as a pathway to gym? I moved in and moved through many trains busted bookeys. When I came out, I was in a garden? I sighed for don't know my what time. I moved around and came across a staircase. I moved up and came in front of a castle on a floating land?

Dukhan ' The hell?!!'

Looked like this was the gym, I moved forward battling trainers in armour? While I was moving, Pachi was captured by a metallic hand, which stuck to the wall before I helped her, I was struck. I lost consciousness. When I awake, I was in a bed. Seems like, I was still in the castle. I saw Pachi in a cage. I freed her.


Dukhan ' Lin.'

Pachi' Yes.' She replied climbing on my shoulder.

I moved around and the upper lower floors. It seemed like a maze. I went out the window and climbed up with the help of some wines. There was some fairy tale clues also. Reaching up, I came across another staircase. I moved forward and saw Titania on an opposite one.

Titania" I was expecting you to come but not her."

Dukhan" Your hideout isn't that full proof."

Titania" Urgh! I know, here."

She threw me sapphire bracelet and I caught them.

Titania" Keep it, I have a plan. Do you trust me?"

Dukhan" Against Team Meteor, yes."

Titania" Really?! Even considering my methods. Aren't you a cop?"

Dukhan" Some times, hard way is necessary."

She nodded and moved up. I went east and entered a cave? There were more of fairy tale clues. Moving further, I came across Zekrom?!! Damn! Looked like I had to battle my one of favourite legendary Pokemon.