The trial before 54

I was having a gala time talking with my girl. She was telling me all the gossip with only one goal to keep my mind off things especially the forthcoming trial. According to me, it doesn't matter whether the trial goes in my favour or not it was supposed to be another setback for me. If I get ended up in prison I knew everything will be over. Me and Lucien, me and Igor one relationship which was found on love. The other on hatred and revenge but important to me. More than anything else in the world may be even Lucien.

I know everyone must be cursing me right now. Why do you give more importance to hate than love? Trust me when I say this when I die whenever that may be I will go up and meet my mom. I didn't think I could meet her in the eye if I didn't end Igor. I can live without Lucien but not without avenging my mother. If he lost his mother I'm sure he is going to react in the same way. We can not always relate to love but hate is something we can all find in common.