Promises 93

"Listen, Mara before you think you are not a good fighter or warrior let me tell you something. There could be a thousand warriors who are way better than you out somewhere but none of them saved me. You did? Even though you are barely eighteen years old. You still managed to break us out of the palace which is one of the most secured places in the world", said Becca.

" It's true don't doubt yourself. You are the only one they got. Up your game and we will help you. We won't go back without those kids", said Sam.

"I second that", said Ronnie.

"Mara call me once you reach them. They would be afraid maybe they will try to fight you", said Riley in a quiet voice.

" How will they fight Mara? They are only kids. All they do is cry", said Kurt dismissing Riley's concern.

"Is there something you want to tell us, Riley?", I asked her.

" Yes there is ", said Riley.

" Tell me", I urged her.