Young Master : You are a little angel for Mother

A news from the private television broadcast about the disappearance of several children who are still under ten years old. They disappeared suddenly it is not even known Where the children went. Some parents feel very weak because they are too afraid to lose their child.

Nataline tries to find out and investigate the case. She searches for a trail to find where the kidnapper took the children and hid them. She was very worried about the condition of her parents who suddenly became depressed because of the loss of his baby.

The case of the disappearance of the ten-year-old child has begun to go down in an investigation. Most of those taken are girls. Even the baby who had just been born in the hospital was missing. The incident was very mysterious. Several journals began to be published about perpetrators who were still absurd or whose whereabouts were unknown. The perpetrator has greatness without leaving a trace.