Young Master: That Evil Witch's Action

The atmosphere of the city of Amsterdam looks very dense with residents. Some of them are still busy with their respective jobs. It is clear that the streets of the city are very busy.

Iliana was standing in front of the bus stop because she was waiting for the bus that was coming towards her house.

A red sedan stopped in front of him.

"Iliana, come with me again okay."


Iliana refused with something so very loud because she knew it was Renaldi in it. The man who had caused trouble on campus by buying some weak people.

"Iliana, I want to take you home. I promise I won't do anything to you." Renaldi said looking at Iliana who still insisted not to get into his car. "Should I force you to come in here?"

"Noisy!" shouted Iliana trying to use her strength to drive away Renaldi's figure along with the car. He used his power because he was tired of being followed by Renaldi.