Fox Demon: Trapped in a Cave

The villagers felt very afraid, even though the number of victims was increasing. In a neighboring village there were also victims who fell. They were very scared because the black fox demon continued to act. Some of the babies became such soft food for the black fox.

A young woman who has just given birth to a baby boy. Then he saw the black fox roaming around to watch over the baby boy that the young woman had just given birth to.

The black fox began to sniff the smell of a very delicious baby boy. He was eager to immediately eat the heart and heart of the newborn boy.

The black fox rushed into the house belonging to the woman who had just given birth. Then there was the sound of very suspicious footsteps.

The black fox turned into a woman who helped give birth to a pregnant woman. He had already taken on the aura of the figure of a woman helping a woman who was giving birth.