Chapter 3

Hu Yetao and Zhang Xinyao walked into the library and looked around, searching for the table with the largest group of students. It was Thursday night and the first meeting of the new eight-year study group.

Hu Yetao pointed to a table in the far right-hand corner and they began to make their way over. It looked as though they were the last ones to arrive.

"Are you going to be alright?" Zhang Xinyao whispered aside as they walked.

"I hope so," Hu Yetao replied apprehensively, brown eyes immediately narrowing in on the blond seated at the table in between Zhou Keyu and Yu Gengyin.

True to his word, Hu Yetao had told Zhang Xinyao everything that was going on. The Gryffindor Trio had commandeered a table in the corner of the library after their first day of classes and talked over everything for hours, with Zhang Xinyao offering what little advice and knowledge he had. His older brothers were both mated Alphas, with Luo Yan mated to a male Beta, so he shared some of their experiences with Hu Yetao. Unfortunately, he didn't know anything more than Jing-Long on the mystery of male Omegas. The Hogwarts library had next to nothing on the subject so Hu Yetao was already planning a trip to Hogsmeade to see what material the bookshop there might have.

Hu Yetao had been incredibly relieved that Zhang Xinyao wasn't freaked out by him - or by his apparent attraction to Oscar Wang. Zhang Xinyao was treating him just like he always had, except that Hu Yetao noticed that Zhang Xinyao had become a bit more watchful of other students around him in corridors and class, and he somehow seemed to take it personally that Oscar had rejected his best friend as a potential mate and was constantly glaring at the Slytherin whenever he had the chance. Hu Yetao knew Zhang Xinyao didn't want him with Oscar so he wasn't sure what the point of all the glowering was, he simply chalked it up to it being one of those mysterious Alpha things.

Not that Oscar noticed any of this. Hu Yetao's eyes were always glued to him whenever their paths crossed and Oscar never made eye contact. It was as though Hu Yetao didn't exist anymore.

Hu Yetao would have been ecstatic about that turn of events a few years ago but now it only frustrated the hell out of him.

"Hi, Hu Yetao!" Fu Sichao greeted as they approached the table. "Zhang Xinyao."

The only two seats left were on the end across from Zhou Keyu and Oscar, so Hu Yetao hurriedly took the seat directly opposite Zhou Keyu. He did not want his legs or feet anywhere near where they could accidentally brush up against Oscar's legs. Just the thought of it was enough to make him shiver with unwelcome desire.

Hu Yetao dropped his bag to the floor and distracted himself by removing his potions textbook so that he didn't have to see whether Oscar was scowling at his presence or not.

"How's Síla Gehuo's favorite student?" Keyu quipped with a smirk as Hu Yetao flipped his book open to the chapter on the importance of Jobberknoll parts.

Hu Yetao glanced up with a puzzled frown until he remembered Li Zekun's potions book and cheating his way to success in the sixth year. It all seemed so long ago now. "Erm, I kind of had help that year. I'm quite hopeless at Potions."

"Only with Li Zekun," Zhang Xinyao defended loyally. "Síla Gehuo loves you so you might have a chance this year."

"How did you cheat?" Santa piped up curiously from the other side of Zhang Xinyao.

Hu Yetao shared a look with Zhang Xinyao before replying. "I had an old second-hand textbook that year with some helpful tips written in the margins by the previous owner."

"Wow that's lucky," Santa replied enviously. "I don't suppose you have one this year?"

"No, have to rely on my brain now, so I think it's a lost cause."

Zhou Keyu snorted and Hu Yetao shared a look of amusement with the Slytherin. Perhaps Keyu could be a welcome distraction from his Oscar obsession. Zhou Keyu was handsome and the Slytherin didn't appear to completely loathe him. He didn't feel anything for him but he thought that anything would be better than dealing with this unrequited lusting.

"What are you going to do next year Hu Yetao?" Liu Yu asked from down the table.

Hu Yetao looked over at him, furtively taking in Oscar's profile as he turned; the blond had his head down and was reading intently. Hu Yetao smiled at Liu Yu and ignored the now-expected clenching of his gut upon seeing Oscar in the flesh.

"Not sure yet," he replied honestly, "maybe join the Aurors?"

"Really? Isn't that a bit dangerous?" he replied, eyes widening in awe.

Hu Yetao smirked. "Can't be any worse than being hunted down by a raving lunatic from the age of eleven."

The sudden sound of a book slamming shut startled everyone at the table.

"I thought this was a study group not an excuse for a social hour," Oscar Wang snapped before abruptly standing and striding off into the rows of bookshelves behind them.

"What's up with him?" Kazuma asked with a confused frown. "He was chatting earlier."

"Yeah but that was before Yetao showed up," Zheng Meng muttered snidely.

Hu Yetao felt a flash of irritation and narrowed his eyes where Oscar had disappeared into the rows. "I'll be right back," he said tightly as he stood.

"Want some help?" Zhang Xinyao asked quietly, looking uneasy.

Hu Yetao shook his head and stalked off to find the infuriating Alpha.

He walked past six rows of floor-to-ceiling shelves before spotting the tall blond standing at the far end of the seventh. Luckily the row was empty save for Oscar. He quickly ducked in and walked right up to him, feeling his irritation burning under his skin and his hands balled into fists at his sides.

"What's your problem Wang?" he demanded, trying to keep his voice down in the hush of the cavernous room.

Oscar's head jerked up at the vehement exclamation and his expression immediately turned stony. "What are you on about Yetao?" he asked coolly.

"I know you have a problem with me and I want to know what it is," Hu Yetao continued, trying to remain calm as his emotions seemed to be at war within him; a confusing combination of satisfaction at finally conversing with the object of his desire, and frustrated anger at the unwarranted contempt directed his way.

Oscar's lip lifted into a sneer as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Did you believe that the truce between eighth years extended to the two of us?"

Hu Yetao stared; he hadn't expected Oscar to readily admit to his dismissive treatment of him. "Why wouldn't it?" he had to ask, his tone quickly losing its angry edge. He knew he sounded disappointed but he couldn't help it - he was.

Oscar appeared to notice as well as something flickered in his eyes. He blinked and it was gone. "Why would you want it to?" he asked acerbically.

Hu Yetao swallowed and forced himself to think of this logically and not through the eyes of an infatuated Omega. "Because now that Chong Li is finally dead, it would be nice if we could let go of this ridiculous hate. Isn't it exhausting keeping it up without reason?"

Oscar's eyes flickered. "There are plenty of fucking reasons Yetao, or have you forgotten?"

Hu Yetao frowned. "I would've thought there'd be more reason on my side than on your Wang. You've been a right prick to me since the moment I met you."

"At least I didn't slice you up and leave you for dead!" Oscar hissed.

Hu Yetao stumbled backward half a step; feeling actual physical pain flash through his body from the force of Oscar's hostile accusation and the ensuing guilt at the reminder of what he'd done. He quickly shook it off and straightened up as Oscar frowned warily at his behavior.

"I'm sorry," Hu Yetao said sincerely, the words spilling forth without any conscious deliberation. "You didn't deserve that and I'm sorry it happened. I didn't know what the spell did, which was stupid, I know, but I was angry and… and unfortunately you were an outlet for that anger." Hu Yetao sighed and held out his hand. "Now can we please just forget all this and move on?"

Oscar stared at the outstretched hand extended to him a moment before his eyes darted back to Hu Yetao's face and narrowed. "No," he bit out shortly before striding past and leaving Hu Yetao alone in the dusty bookshelves.

Hu Yetao wanted to scream as he clenched his jaw shut so tight it hurt. Why the fuck has his bloody Omega chosen that self-centered, arrogant, spiteful prat as a potential mate?! They were only four days into the school year and already he wanted to throttle Oscar. How was he going to last an entire year? This frustration was going to be the death of him.

Hu Yetao turned and practically stomped back towards the group table. He stopped short when he caught sight of Oscar collecting his books and then walking over to another table - where Zheng Naixin and friend were sitting. Naixin smiled up at Oscar and he sat down beside her to resume studying.

Hu Yetao couldn't help it, he felt crushed; the blatant rejection and contempt Oscar had for him was never more clear to him than in that moment. He could feel the Omega in him wanting to crumple to the floor in a heap and sob, the urge was so strong that he had to physically stop himself by placing a hand on a nearby bookshelf and grip it hard, eyes boring into the top of that insensitive blond head.

He took a deep breath and, with great determination, tore his gaze from that nightmarish scene and slowly placed one foot in front of the other until he was back at his table. He sat down in his vacated seat, all the while cursing his Omega status and the complicated situation he now found himself in.

Zhang Xinyao and Jing-Long were both shooting him worrying looks but he couldn't concentrate on them right now, he needed to ensure that he wasn't going to fall to pieces in public first. Or murder Zheng Naixin.

Hu Yetao exhaled and pulled himself together. He could do this. He just had to distract himself; Oscar wasn't the only Alpha around.

"Zhou Keyu?"

Zhou Keyu glanced up at him with a questioning arch of the brow.

"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday?" he asked, shoving aside the feeling of wrongness that arose from him asking out someone who was not on his Omega's pre-approved list.

Zhou Keyu looked taken aback a moment before slowly grinning. "Yeah, why not?"

"Great." Hu Yetao nodded with a smile then looked down in an attempt to absorb something about Jobberknolls, even if this study session already felt like a lost cause.

He could feel Zhang Xinyao's eyes on him but he would have to be filled in later. Maybe it was pointless to go out with someone whom he didn't feel drawn to but at least it would provide a welcome diversion - and that was worth any minor discomfort to his Omega.