Chapter 5

Hu Yetao slept late Sunday morning after a long night of tossing and turning, his fragmented sleep full of strange dreams of sneering blond Slytherins and meddling house-elves.

Hu Yetao dragged himself out of bed and into the adjoining boy's lavatory. He placed his toiletry bag on the edge of the sink and stared at himself in the mirror, frowning at the faint dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. He shook his head and looked away from his reflection as he squeezed some toothpaste out onto his brush, absently wondering how Oscar was going to treat him today, and if all the progress they'd made yesterday would be gone.

Hu Yetao heard the door open behind him and he glanced up to see Kazuma walk in, looking sleep-ruffled.

"Morning Hu Yetao," he greeted drowsily, one hand raking over his hair as the door swung shut behind him.

Hu Yetao smiled in greeting through the mirror before recapping the toothpaste and setting it down.

Hu Yetao paused, suddenly sensing that the atmosphere in the small room had changed dramatically. Gooseflesh broke out on his arms as he forced himself to look back up and he swallowed at the sight that greeted him: Kazuma was staring at him with wide unblinking eyes, his pupils so dilated that they almost took over any hint of color, his body rigid and tense.

"Kazuma?" he ventured cautiously, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice.

Hu Yetao saw Kazuma's nostrils flare a little before the other boy was suddenly rushing forward and grabbing him by the shoulders. Hu Yetao yelped in surprise as he was spun around and pinned up against the stone wall, held firmly in place by arms that felt like steel bands.

"What are you-" Hu Yetao bit off when Kazuma suddenly dropped his face to Hu Yetao's neck and inhaled deeply.

Kazuma sighed and Hu Yetao froze when he felt the warm press of lips against his throat. "Hu Yetao… you smell so good…" Kazuma murmured as though in a pleasure-induced trance.

"K-Kazuma?" Hu Yetao tried desperately, unsure of what to do. He didn't think Kazuma wanted to harm him, but his intent was made clear a second later as the other boy suddenly pressed further into his body and he could feel the hard line of his arousal against his stomach.

Kazuma ignored him and began to fervently kiss his way up to Hu Yetao's pale throat, hands pressing Hu Yetao's wrists against the stone to hold him in place.

Hu Yetao gasped as a strange foggy awareness crept over him and seeped into his mind. His body relaxed and he suddenly wanted to wrap his arms around the Alpha's body and plead for more.

Kazuma seemed to sense this and released Hu Yetao's wrists, quickly dropping one hand to the small of Hu Yetao's back and the other to cup his backside and bring him up hard against him.

Hu Yetao moaned and his head rolled back against the wall as his eyes fell closed, drowning in a sudden haze of arousal that flooded through his entire body, hands clutching onto Kazuma's strong shoulders and holding him close.

Kazuma's teeth grazed his skin and Hu Yetao shivered.

"Want you…" Kazuma breathed against his skin before licking a stripe up the side of his neck and thrusting his pajama-clad erection into him. "Going to fuck you…"

Hu Yetao's eyes flew open and he felt as though ice water had suddenly filled his veins, instantly clearing the stupor from his head. "No!" he exclaimed, hands sliding to the front of Kazuma's chest and pushing ineffectually against the strong Alpha. "Kazuma stop!"

Kazuma growled lowly in his throat and only pulled Hu Yetao against him even tighter, hips still pressing forward, seeking friction.

Hu Yetao's panic quickly turned to outrage at being manhandled like this. He started to move sideways to escape the persistent pawing but only managed to trip over Kazuma's foot. Kaz was taken by surprise and the two fell to the floor with a crash.

Hu Yetao's head bounced back against the solid flagstones and he almost blacked out from the impact. His pained groan seemed to wake up Kaz from whatever testosterone-induced daze he'd found himself in and he quickly sat up, blinking in confusion.

"Hu Yetao? Oh, Hu Yetao, Hu Yetao are you alright?" he exclaimed in alarm.

Hu Yetao opened his eyes and his vision swam for a moment.

"I'm so sorry Hu Yetao," Kaz apologized, sounding distressed. He reached down and carefully helped Hu Yetao to sit up. "I'm not even sure what happened, something just… just came over me."

Hu Yetao swallowed and looked at him, his head throbbing. "It's okay Kaz, it wasn't your fault," he said faintly. "Help me up?"

Kaz was quick to comply as he gently lifted him and set him on his feet. Hu Yetao swayed and Kaz instantly scooped his dorm mate up into his arms and turned to exit the bathroom with him.

"I'm taking you to the infirmary," he said firmly.

Hu Yetao didn't argue; his body felt like jelly and he could feel the beginning of what felt like shock come over him as he began to shiver.

Kaz carried him down the stairs and into the Common Room where a few lingering students were still hanging out. They all looked up and stared in shock at the sight of a limp Hu Yetao in Kaz's arms.

"Hu Yetao!"

He winced as Zhang Xinyao's alarmed exclamation rang in his ears.

"What happened?" Zhang Xinyao demanded as he ran over. He looked to Kaz as Hu Yetao closed his eyes without replying.

"He… he fell and hit his head on the floor," Kaz replied, obviously uncertain of attempting to explain something that he didn't even understand himself. "I'm just taking him to the hospital wing."

"I'll take him," Zhang Xinyao said.

"No, it's fine, I was there, I'll take him," Kaz said firmly.

"You have a chess club," Zhang Xinyao pointed out.

"Bugger, that's right."

Hu Yetao forced his eyes open. "Just go Kaz, I'll be fine with Zhang Xinyao. It's okay," he assured.

Kaz looked hesitant but finally transferred him into Zhang Xinyao's arms, the movement causing Hu Yetao's head to spin and he quickly shut his eyes again against ensuing nausea.

"I'll check on you later," Kaz promised, sounding hesitant to leave.

Zhang Xinyao ignored him as he turned and carefully carried Hu Yetao out the portrait hole and into the corridor. "What the fuck happened Hu Yetao?" Zhang Xinyao whispered.

Hu Yetao tried to ignore the embarrassment of being carried through the school like a helpless child. "I'm not sure but I think maybe the scent masking potions aren't doing their job anymore," he replied as he tentatively opened his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Kaz… he… kind of attacked me," Hu Yetao admitted.

"What?!" Zhang Xinyao exclaimed, horrified.

Hu Yetao felt his shivering increase as he thought back to Kaz's lust-filled eyes and arms so strong that he didn't have a hope of escape. Not to mention the terrifying realization that he had submitted to the Alpha's unwelcome advances. What if he hadn't come to his senses? What would have happened?

"He knew what I was," Hu Yetao finally said solemnly. "He knew."

"But how?" Zhang Xinyao replied with a frown, maneuvering them up the staircase towards the hospital wing. "You smell the same to me."

"I dunno, maybe because we were in an enclosed space?" Hu Yetao reasoned. "He was completely normal until the door shut."

Zhang Xinyao's frown deepened but he didn't say anything as he entered the infirmary and carried Hu Yetao over to the nearest hospital bed and laid him down. Hu Yetao closed his eyes with a sigh, only too relieved to be stationary again.

"Oh great," Zhang Xinyao grumbled under his breath.

"What?" Hu Yetao asked, keeping his eyes shut.

"Oscar's here."

Hu Yetao felt his stomach clench. "Of course he is," he muttered, keeping his eyes closed and praying that they wouldn't be noticed by the Slytherin.

"Mr. Zhang, what's happened?" Madam Chen Zihan's voice rang out from somewhere near her office followed by the immediate squeaking of her rubber-soled shoes striding efficiently across the floor.

"Kazuma attacked him," Zhang Xinyao informed her without hesitation.

"Xinyao!" Hu Yetao cried, eyes flying open to glare at his friend. "He didn't attack me; I tripped over his foot and hit my head on the floor."

"Only because you were trying to get away from his wandering hands."

Hu Yetao gaped at him in disbelief.

"Mr. Wang, you may leave," Madam Chen Zihan said absently as she nudged Hu Yetao to sit forward so that she could inspect the back of his head.

Hu Yetao looked up to see narrowed brown eyes; it seemed Oscar was back to scowling at his very presence again. Hu Yetao winced in pain when the nurse suddenly touched upon the sore spot on his head and when he opened his eyes again, the blond was exiting the infirmary, a couple of bottles of what Hu Yetao knew to be Dreamless Sleep clasped in his hand.

Hu Yetao took a deep breath and slowly released it. His Omega was outraged that its chosen mate was leaving him when he was injured and in pain. Hu Yetao, on the other hand, was only too relieved to see him go.

Madam Chen Zihan asked him a few questions once she finished her examination and then bustled off to fetch him some potions before he could be discharged.

"Why did you tell her?" Hu Yetao hissed at Xinyao once she was out of earshot. "I don't want Kaz to get into trouble, it wasn't his fault!"

"He attacked you, Hu Yetao, even if it was because he accidentally lost control, she should still know that you're at risk," Zhang Xinyao said gravely. "You should tell her the truth mate; if the potions aren't working anymore then you're going to be in trouble. Maybe your heat is coming on?"

"Oh, God…" Hu Yetao sighed and covered his face with his hands.

Zhang Xinyao opened his mouth then closed it when Madam Chen Zihan strode back into the room.

Hu Yetao downed the potions she shoved at him without complaint, all the while thinking about what Xinyao had said. What if he was about to go into his heat cycle? What was going to happen?

Hu Yetao knew he needed to read his new book if he was going to find the answers, and he needed to read it now.