Chapter 25

The loud crack of Apparation rent the cold evening air in Wiltshire as Hu Yetao and Oscar suddenly appeared outside the looming wrought-iron gates of Wang Manor.

Hu Yetao looked through the open gates towards the daunting Manor silhouetted against the darkening sky. "Why couldn't we Apparate directly inside?" he asked, shivering a little against the late autumn chill.

Oscar clasped Hu Yetao's cold hand in his warm one and began to lead them inside. "The wards are set to keep any but Wang blood out tonight. We have to ensure that every attending member passes through these gates, which have layered security charms on them, and then request admittance at the front doors."

A strong wave of protective magic washed over and through Hu Yetao as he passed under the archway.

"Every possible safety precaution is taken for these meetings," Oscar continued as they strode along the gravel drive. "And they are never held in the same location twice in succession."

"And they selected your home tonight so that your father could attend?" Hu Yetao asked, breath coming out in little white puffs in the cold air. It was quite dark, with no lamps or torches lighting their way, so Hu Yetao kept close to his mate's side. The lack of light was obviously to help keep any attending guests concealed as much as possible. Hu Yetao wondered if perhaps Nundu had night vision like a cat, and therefore didn't need any artificial light.

"Yes, all family members must be able to attend any meeting concerning one of their own. Nundu families are very close and we support one another. Regardless of what may have happened in the past, my parents will advocate on your behalf Hu Yetao."

Hu Yetao smiled but Oscar's words failed to diminish the tension that was currently stringing his body tight with anxiety; he couldn't shake the feeling that things were not going to go their way tonight.

"They can't... split up couples once they've chosen a mate, can they?" he asked, suddenly realizing that he didn't know all the possible outcomes to tonight's meeting.

Hu Yetao could see the frown on Oscar's face when he glanced over at him.

"They can reject a proposed mateship if they have sound reasons, but they can't reject a mateship once the two in question have bonded."

"And what do they consider as being 'bonded'?"

Oscar glanced at him. "A claiming mark."

Hu Yetao felt his insides twist. "But I don't have a mark, does that mean they can split the two of us up?"

Oscar's expression stiffened. "No, they can't deny our mateship now because you already know our secret. It's too late for them to do anything about it."

"So you were supposed to ask permission before deciding to be my mate?"

"Yes." Oscar nodded, frown clearing as his lips quirked into a tiny smirk. "I may have skipped that step to secure you as my mate prematurely."

Hu Yetao exhaled unevenly. "Good, I... Good," he repeated, relieved. The thought of losing Oscar as his mate now was unthinkable. Even though their mateship was still relatively new, he still felt as though his body and soul were already intrinsically connected with Oscar's, and breaking that connection would be... unbearable.

Oscar stopped walking and turned to face him. "Hu Yetao, no matter what happens in there, I promise that you and we won't be separated. It may take some time to convince them that allowing you in on our secret is a good thing, but eventually, they'll see reason. Plus, you're good at charming strangers," he added with a smirk.

"I am?" Hu Yetao replied in surprise as they began moving forward again.

"Yetao, you have no comprehension of your appeal, do you?"

Hu Yetao blinked. "I have appeal?"

Oscar chuckled and shook his head. "Yes - how do you think you managed to snag this particular Alpha?" he said deprecatingly.

"Because I'm male and an Omega," Hu Yetao shrugged.

Oscar stopped him dead in his tracks at the bottom of the wide stone steps that led up to the front entrance doors. "You don't think that, do you?" he asked with a frown.

"Erm..." Hu Yetao squirmed, looking away. "Well yeah."

His eyes narrowed. "Why would you think that?"

Hu Yetao met his gaze, chin lifting defiantly. "Because look at you - you're all tall and blond and handsome, and you always know the right thing to say and how to say it, and I'm this short, scruffy-"

"Gorgeous man," Oscar firmly interjected. "Hu Yetao, I'm not only attracted to you because you're an Omega, the fact that we can share this bond and the fact that you can bear our children adds to your desirability, but it's certainly based on more than just that." Oscar paused to slide one hand over Hu Yetao's cool cheek, thumb softly stroking over his cheekbone. "I've been attracted to you since before you turned eighteen."

Hu Yetao's eyes widened in surprise. "You have?"

"Yes." Oscar nodded then added with a smile, "as much as I am loathed to admit it, I have been obsessed with obtaining your attention for as long as I can remember. You didn't want my friends so I satisfied myself with your irritation instead. Satisfied me in other ways when it came to my obsession with you as well..."

Hu Yetao laughed, feeling suddenly light as a feather. "Wow... I had no idea, why didn't you tell me?"

"I was hoping you would admit to the same thing first," Oscar confessed self-consciously.

Hu Yetao placed his hand over Oscar's on his cheek and leaned into the touch, letting his eyes fall closed for a moment. "I was fixated on you too, only I didn't understand the reason for it. I thought you were attractive, I wasn't blind, but I only just recently realized that there may have been something deeper there; why you were able to rattle and infuriate me like no one else." Hu Yetao suddenly grinned. "Zhang Xinyao was right."


"He said that you probably didn't know you were drawn to me as an Omega because you'd always fancied me and couldn't differentiate between the two."

Oscar smiled and wrapped his other arm around Hu Yetao's waist, pulling him close. "That is probably the most perceptive assessment to ever pass through Xinyao's lips," he murmured.

"That's what Jing-Long said," Hu Yetao chuckled.