Chapter 46

Without breaking the kiss, Hu Yetao reached back and grabbed Oscar's hands from off of his hips and pinned them to the bed on either side of his mate's blond head. Oscar immediately arched up into him with a moan and Hu Yetao almost snarled with pleasure, his body already reaching the peak and about to spiral out of his control as he thrust faster, losing all rhythm, skin flushing hotly, breath catching and holding.

"Want you to cum first," Hu Yetao panted against Oscar's lips before kissing his cheek and then moving across to gently nip at his ear.

"Hu Yetao…" Oscar brokenly groaned and clenched his eyes shut, neck arching back, hands fisting beneath Hu Yetao's firm hold.

Hu Yetao watched with avid, unblinking bright eyes; wanting to see his mate cum undone beneath him. "Cum for me Oscar…" he breathed unsteadily. "Please. Want to see you cum," he babbled. "I can't wait for you to claim me tomorrow, to make me yours. Want you to mark me and then cum all over me..."

A loud moan broke through Oscar's pressed lips as he came hard, expression twisted with intense pleasure and relief.

Hu Yetao drank in the sight for all of two seconds before he too was gripped by a powerful orgasm which tore through his body, head tipping back, eyes closing as he cried out, feeling his cock pulse wet and warm within his snug trousers.

Once every last tingle of pleasure and drop of fluid was milked from his cock, Hu Yetao slowly opened his eyes and looked down. Oscar was gazing up at him with intense eyes and flushed cheeks, breath coming out in quiet huffs. Hu Yetao blinked at the look in Oscar's eyes, something inside of him tightening at the sight; a sentiment that matched the one in his own heart was shining back at him.

Oscar swallowed, gaze unwavering, and Hu Yetao instinctively released his hold on his mate's wrists as he stared back at him; waiting, expectant.

"What you do to me, Taotao…" Oscar whispered in wonder, absently reaching up to straighten Hu Yetao's crooked shirt, fingers lingering in his disheveled hair a moment before abruptly dropping away, gaze averting.

Hu Yetao smiled a little as he sat back, content in the knowledge that something had shifted within his mate, something that was transparently obvious but not quite ready to be shared or formed into words just yet, but it was there.

"That was different," Hu Yetao finally said, still smiling that little half-smile as Oscar's gaze carefully flicked back to him. "We didn't even get our clothes off."

Oscar's expression relaxed, whatever thoughts previously distracting him pushed aside as he focussed on his mate, trademark smirk pulling at his mouth.

Hu Yetao grinned and quickly leaned down to peck his mate on the lips before turning and climbing off of the bed. He plucked his wand from the bedside cabinet and quickly cast a cleaning charm over the pair of them; the uncomfortable, sticky feeling immediately vanishing.

"I hope no one can tell what we get up to at lunch every day," Hu Yetao said as he slipped into his school robes, still with the Gryffindor insignia on it even though he wasn't technically living in Gryffindor Tower any more, and slung his heavy book bag onto his shoulder.

"Course they do Taotao," Oscar replied simply as he slipped his Ancient Ruins text into his bag. "Your hair is even more atrocious than usual directly after lunch."

Hu Yetao rolled his eyes and waited for his mate to join him at the door before swinging it open and walking out into the empty corridor. "I wasn't the one on my back this time Oscar," he countered.

Oscar narrowed his eyes at him as he followed and Hu Yetao had to bite his lip to keep from laughing as his mate's hand automatically shot to the back of his head to check his hair.

They made their way to the first floor and parted ways with a gentle touching of fingers and one last lingering look before Hu Yetao walked to Care of Magical Creatures on his own.

Hu Yetao shifted his bag upon his shoulder with a sigh, missing Zhang Xinyao's company as he walked through the open entrance doors, squinting a little at the muted winter sunshine sparkling off the fresh layer of snow on the ground. This would be his first opportunity to speak to Zhang Xinyao without Jing-Long around. Zhang Xinyao had been darting him little apologetic glances in the Great Hall all week, so he didn't think his friend was holding a grudge, even if his new boyfriend was.