Chapter 58

Hu Yetao smirked a little at how visible the mark was; Oscar had wanted it to show above the collar of any shirt or robe that he might wear. It was an obvious declaration that he was already taken, and Hu Yetao just shook his head with a fond sort of amusement. Such actions would have irritated the fuck out of him not that long ago, but now he could see the other side of things. He understood that it was an act of possession, yes, but that it also stemmed from a deep-rooted concern for a mate's safety - as well as an act of love.

Hu Yetao made his way out into the hall, clean and with slightly damp hair, and walked towards the grand staircase which led down to the entrance hall. He tugged a little uncomfortably at the black trousers which Oscar had selected for him. They were of very fine material and soft to the touch, but a little snugger than he was used to. The shirt and jumper were also of fine quality, lovely and soft against his skin, the deep green of the jumper setting off his eyes.

Hu Yetao took his time walking down the marble steps, hanging onto the hand-railing for support as he still wasn't feeling all that strong. He knew it would take more than a few potions and a bit of sleep for his body to heal completely.

Hu Yetao shook his head, not wanting to think about the attack, or about the fact that those two men were still out there somewhere.

He hesitated at the bottom of the steps, wondering which way the conservatory was, and more than a little annoyed that his mate hadn't waited around for him to wake up so that he wasn't lost in the massive home on his own.

The aroma of food finally directed him to the right. He passed through the large front parlor, into the library, and then on into what must be the conservatory at the rear of the Manor, adjacent to the kitchens.

He hesitated in the doorway when he spotted Shui Xian curled up on the long window seat, legs tucked beneath her, dressed quite casually in a lavender-colored dress with a knitted grey shawl draped around slender shoulders. Her long blond hair was plaited down the side over one shoulder and the informal style made her look years younger.

She turned at Hu Yetao's appearance and her expression visibly warmed as she lifted a hand to beckon him in.

Hu Yetao smiled a little as he shuffled inside and made his way over to the window to join her. The octagonal-shaped seat had pale yellow and white cushions across the length of it and was situated beneath huge glass-paneled windows crisscrossed with white glazing bars. Beams of winter sunshine were streaming through the glass onto the seat and the white and grey marble table were laden with lunch.

It all looked so wonderfully cozy and inviting, and he felt his reticence ease as he approached.

"Good morning Mrs. Wang," Hu Yetao greeted politely as he took a seat across from her.

"It is a good afternoon at this point," she replied with a tiny smile over the rim of her teacup.

Hu Yetao blinked; he'd never seen Shui Xian so natural and light-hearted before.

"Sleep is good for you though," she continued, unperturbed by his lack of response. "Oscar sends his apologies; he was quite… distraught and needed to burn off some excess energy. His father is with him."

Hu Yetao frowned in confusion as he followed her gaze through the window and out across the vast grounds. He quickly spotted two Nundu racing across the snow, bodies low to the earth and ears laid back to their heads.

"Distraught?" Hu Yetao repeated, turning back to her.

Shui Xian set her cup down on top of her knee. "He could not sleep; he was too full of anger and frustration. I told him to go outside before he crawled out of his skin." Shui Xian sighed, gaze drifting back out the window towards her husband and son. "An attack on a Nundu's mate is a very serious matter, and it is not taken lightly. Historically, the people responsible would be immediately brought before the Board and the Alpha would then enact retribution upon the guilty. An attack on an Alpha's mate this serious generally stems from a moment of lost control, but this… " She paused to swallow delicately, turning troubled eyes on Hu Yetao. "This was a planned attack meant to kill for unknown reasons, and no one has any idea of who it was or why."

Hu Yetao dropped her gaze and reached for a scone to keep his hands occupied. "So, usually the Alpha would… do what exactly to the ones responsible?"

"Tear them apart limb from limb," she replied evenly.

Hu Yetao nodded, having expected that. "Even if they aren't clan members? That's still what happens?"

Shui Xian nodded serenely. "Yes, otherwise the Alpha will not feel fulfilled, he will not be settled. He will always have this need, this compulsion, to seek revenge for what they've done. A Nundu's mate, the bearer of his children, is the most sacred thing on this earth to them."

Hu Yetao looked up. "Which is why Oscar is so on edge?"

"Yes, my poor boy," she murmured, lifting her tea and taking another sip.

Hu Yetao bit into the jam and cream-covered scone, not feeling hungry but knowing he needed to eat something to rebuild his strength. He chewed while Niào appeared at his elbow and poured him a hot cup of tea.

"Thanks," Hu Yetao mumbled to the little elf before she disappeared again.

"He loves you."

Hu Yetao's head jerked up and he nearly choked on his food.

"Quite a bit," she added, eyes warm with approval. "Oscar does not readily articulate his emotions, he keeps a tight hold on himself in that regard, like his father, but I can see how very deeply he cares for you."

Hu Yetao smiled shyly as he brought his feet up to sit cross-legged on the soft cushion, half-eaten scone still in one hand. "I know he does," he replied with conviction. "He hasn't said it out loud but I know he does."

"He will," Shui Xian replied with a smile. "I wouldn't be surprised if this incident is the turning point for him. He may become desperate to ensure that you know just how much you mean to him."

Hu Yetao blushed, pleased, but also realizing just how odd this conversation was. He quickly reached for his tea to avoid having to form a response.

"I see he has marked you at last," she observed, causing Hu Yetao's cheeks to flush even further.

Shui Xian was nothing if not direct.

"Erm, yeah - yes, he has," Hu Yetao replied awkwardly, suddenly and inappropriately reminded of how turned on his mate had been during the whole claiming process. "It's hard to miss," he added with a wry smile.

Shui Xian chuckled in amusement.

Hu Yetao wondered where her claiming mark was as he couldn't see any scars.

"Xiaocheng did not wish to mark my skin so he was perhaps a little more discreet in his placement than my son," she said, correctly interpreting Hu Yetao's silent musing. Her smile of amusement slowly faded. "It is wise for your mark to be more visible though, being a male Omega will not make life easy for you."

Hu Yetao laughed - with only the barest hint of bitterness. "My life has never been easy."

Shui Xian acknowledged his statement with a slight nod before reaching for one of the colorful little macarons on the silver tray, selecting a pale pink one and setting it aside on a delicate china plate.

Hu Yetao had finished his scone and reached out for one of the tempting sandwiches on the tiered silver tower. He was feeling a little hungrier now and eagerly bit into the thickly sliced bread. He hummed his approval as the flavor of tangy mustard and roast beef burst over his taste buds.