Chapter 77

Zhou Keyu shot Oscar a withering look. "Isn't it obvious?"

Hu Yetao squinted at the Slytherin, also trying to work out his costume without success. The Alpha wasn't wearing his school uniform but he wasn't wearing anything resembling a costume either. He was dressed in nice black trousers and a grey button-up shirt underneath a deep purple waistcoat.

"I'm the Minister for Magic."

Hu Yetao paused in his chewing. "Which one?" he finally asked.

"I am the future Minister for Magic."

Horan goggled at him. "How do you know who the future Minister for Magic is?"

Chenchen rolled her eyes and swiped a lock of purple hair out of her eyes. "He means himself you knobhead."

"Is that really what you want to do?" Hu Yetao asked, wondering if he was the only one at the table who wasn't aware of the Slytherin's impressive aspirations.

"I enjoy politics, and that is, after all, the definitive position for a politician, is it not?" Keyu replied as he poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice.

"I suppose," Hu Yetao said slowly, wrinkling his nose in distaste. He loathed politics.

"Good luck convincing people to vote in a Slytherin," Chenchen put in cynically.

"My rise to power will take many years Chen, people won't remember such trivial things such as house affiliations by then," Keyu retorted, unbothered.

"I'd vote for you," Horan put in around a mouthful of chicken leg.


"I wouldn't," Chenchen interjected with a saccharine smile.

Zhou Keyu rolled his eyes while Horan asked her why not.

"Because," she said haughtily, "it's time we had a female Minister. Not me, obviously," she added before anyone could make a snide remark, "I wouldn't be a politician if you paid me; too much arse-kissing for my taste. Someone sensible and intelligent, not like you hormonal Alphas."

"Nene would be a brilliant Minister," Hu Yetao put in casually before biting into his pumpkin pastie.

Chenchen arched a dark brow at him, speculative gaze sliding over his shoulder to the Gryffindor table for a moment. "I would prefer someone a little less like an uptight virgin, but she's a better choice than Keyu," she allowed.

Hu Yetao grinned as Keyu spluttered with indignation.

"What happened to house pride and unity?" he demanded.

Chenchen rolled her eyes as she lifted her glass, which looked suspiciously as though it was filled with champagne. "That went the way of the Dark Lord, dear," she drawled.

The others snickered and Hu Yetao continued to eat the delicious meal with a grin on his face, nearly able to completely forget that he was currently dressed as a sparkly gold fairy.

Once Hu Yetao had eaten all that he possibly could, including second helpings of pudding, he and Oscar said their goodbyes to the Slytherins then wandered over to say goodnight to Xinyao and Jing-Long.

"One word about my costume and I will hex you," Hu Yetao warned Xinyao before he could open his mouth.

Zhang Xinyao looked as though he was swallowing a laugh before he quickly shook his head, all innocence.

"At least Hu Yetao wore a costume Xinyao," Oscar commented.

"This is my costume," Zhang Xinyao replied with a lopsided grin before glancing down at his Chelsea Football Club t-shirt and jeans. "I'm a Muggle. I even have one of their communication devices."

Hu Yetao laughed as Xinyao pulled a mobile phone out of his pocket and waved it about; plainly without a clue of how it worked.

"Nicked it from my dad," Xinyao explained before Hu Yetao could ask. "Had it in the shed out back hanging on a piece of string from the ceiling."

"Good to see the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Department is well in hand," Oscar commented wryly.

"Are you an astronaut?" Hu Yetao asked Jing-Long while Xinyao flipped two fingers at his mate. He was wearing a white and silver jumpsuit and was carrying a rounded glass-fronted helmet under one arm.

"I'm Yang Liwei," he replied proudly, as though that explained everything. He sighed at Hu Yetao's blank look. "He's the first Chinese in space and the first to visit the Mir space station."

"Why Muggles feel the need to explore the vast nothingness of space is beyond me," Oscar commented with a shudder.

"Yeah, they haven't even realized that magic exists yet. How are they supposed to discover life on other planets when they don't even know what's happening on this one?" Zhang Xinyao said with a grin.

Hu Yetao laughed, having to agree with his housemate on that one, while Jing-Long looked vaguely insulted.

"Seriously though, Hu Yetao, what are you supposed to be?" Zhang Xinyao asked.

"I'm a Snitch," Hu Yetao clarified, exasperated, and studiously avoided Oscar's amused gaze.

"I think you ought to reconsider Hu Yetao," Zheng Teng spoke up as he joined them, sliding a warm cloak on over his unicorn costume. "You make a very handsome fairy."

Oscar and Xinyao both snorted with laughter.

"I wish you were coming tonight," Jing-Long said to Hu Yetao, ignoring them.

"So do I," Hu Yetao replied unhappily.

"I think you're doing the right thing though," he added in a quiet undertone. "It would be too easy to lose you tonight, even with Oscar there."

Hu Yetao sighed and ran a hand through his hair, absently scowling at the glitter that covered his palm afterward. "Yeah, I know. Hopefully, by Christmas, I can join you again."

Jing Long nodded and reached out to pat his arm before picking her cloak up off the bench. Zhang Xinyao meanwhile completed his authentic ensemble with a blue Muggle raincoat.

Hu Yetao gasped and his heart stuttered in his chest when two very strong arms suddenly grabbed him from behind and yanked him back to be trapped against a tall someone who was not his mate.


Before Hu Yetao could even comprehend what was going on, Oscar had whipped out his wand in record time and, with a furious growl, fired off a hex. The purple bolt of light flew over Hu Yetao's head and struck its target square in the face.

The arms wrapped vice-like around Hu Yetao's chest instantly slackened and before he could turn around to see who his assailant was and what had happened to him, Oscar had reached out and snatched Hu Yetao back to shield him with his own body, wand still pointed at the fallen wizard.

"Stop Oscar! Stop!" Jing Long called out frantically.

Hu Yetao turned his face away from being suffocated in Oscar's chest and looked over his shoulder, feeling disoriented, his heart still racing.

Zeng Hanjiang was lying on the ground in a crumpled heap of pale blue and black robes.

The teachers were beginning to converge on them, and every student in the Hall had stopped to watch the scene unfold.

"He's not trying to hurt Hu Yetao," Jing-Long continued, gently now, still addressing Oscar, "Hanjiang's dressed as a Quidditch player. I think he was just trying to be funny - by grabbing Hu Yetao because he's a Snitch?"

Hu Yetao swallowed and realized he was right. Hanjiang was dressed as a player from the Appleby Arrows.

Hu Yetao turned back around to face Oscar and frowned sympathetically at the burning rage in his Alpha's eyes, his darkened gaze still locked on Hanjiang and chest heaving as he kept his wand pointed at the fallen Ravenclaw.

"Hey," Hu Yetao said quietly, placing a hand on either side of Oscar's face and attempting to direct his mate's gaze back to him. "Oscar, it was just a joke, I'm fine. Look at me."

Oscar seemed to shudder in his grasp and then his eyes slowly refocussed on Hu Yetao's face.

"What is the meaning of this Mr. Wang?" Mrs. Amber was demanding as she swept up the long aisle towards the group.

"That's it," Hu Yetao said, cajoling, keeping his focus on Oscar and nothing else. "See? I'm all right."

"It was just a misunderstanding Professor," Jing-Long said, stepping forward while Hu Yetao worked on calming his mate down.

Hu Yetao tuned them out as he watched Oscar's dilated pupils shrink back down to normal and his breathing began to even out.

Oscar finally, reluctantly, lowered his wand arm, his left arm loosening its hold on Hu Yetao a little. He breathed out shakily and began to blink at an ordinary rate once more.

Hu Yetao smiled in relief, the expression easing his mate's concerns too as Oscar instantly buried his face in Hu Yetao's neck, inhaling his scent and pressing warm lips to the Claiming Mark; the action comforting the both of them after the brief moment of all-out panic.

"Foolish boy should've known better than to attack Hu Yetao like that," Mrs. Amber was saying to Hu Yetao disapprovingly as some of the other teachers tended to the fallen boy, "even if it was in jest."

Hanjiang was finally coming round again, a slight groan escaping his lips as he sat up with Zhidao's assistance.

"Perhaps you two should make yourselves scarce before Mr. Zeng recovers his faculties."

Hu Yetao glanced up to see Professor Mika next to them.

"Mr. Zeng seems a nice chap but I'd hate to see him go up against Mr. Wang should he be displeased upon finding out what happened," he added.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Hu Yetao replied with a nod. "Is it all right if we go back to our room now Professor?" he asked the frowning headmistress.

"Yes, good idea Yetao," she replied, waving a dismissive hand at them. "I'll ensure Mr. Zeng has recovered enough for further celebrating in Hogsmeade tonight. I'm sure by morning he'll have forgotten all about this little incident."

Hu Yetao nodded gratefully and turned to his friends. "See you later," he said with a despondent smile.

"Bye Hu Yetao."

"See you, Hu Yetao."