Chapter 80

"Hu Yetao…" Oscar exclaimed in response, voice sharp with surprise and concern. He pulled Hu Yetao in close and stroked his sweat-dampened hair as he dropped his nose to scent at his mate's neck, confirming for himself that Hu Yetao was alive and unharmed.

Hu Yetao tilted his head away and to the side, exposing his Claiming Mark to his Alpha, and Oscar's lips immediately descended onto the scarred skin; alternately licking and kissing the mark as he calmed his mate.

Hu Yetao trembling soon turned into shivers at the touch, and eventually, all of his prior fear and anxiety over being trapped in the room, vanished, and he was once again achingly aware of other needs now making themselves known.

Hu Yetao's breathing sped up and his heart rate increased as the Omega in him realized that his mate was right there; available to help him through the burning ache of his heat.

Hu Yetao released a hushed moan and pushed his hips forward into Oscar's, hands tightening on Oscar's back, pulling him in as close as possible.

Oscar's breath audibly caught as he paused in his ministrations, he didn't pull away but he didn't respond in kind either.

Hu Yetao continued to roll his hips into his mate as he rotated his head around to search out Oscar's mouth, needing to taste him as well as try to arouse him into some sort of action. Hu Yetao felt feverish with the need for friction and touch and now, his pants soaked through with fluid and his cock positively throbbing.

Oscar kissed him chastely, once, twice, and then pulled away, searching out Hu Yetao's gaze. "Hu Yetao…" he said, his tone being hesitant and admonishing, but his eyes were burning with something completely contrary.

"Please," Hu Yetao whispered, kissing the corner of Oscar's mouth and then flicking his tongue out to lick along his bottom lip. "Please… touch me. I need you…"

A dark corner of his mind knew he was goading his mate into something he shouldn't be, but it was too late; he felt like an out-of-control drug addict suddenly faced with the very object of his desire and losing all willpower to say no. Fuck the consequences.

"Hu Yetao…" Oscar moaned lowly, eyes falling closed against a tide of instinct and emotion, clearly wanting to give in but valiantly battling against it.

Hu Yetao didn't still his hips, pushing the long hard line of his erection against Oscar, who was unmistakably aroused now as well. He kissed Oscar, hard, insistently, tongue pushing through stiff lips to sweep into his mate's mouth, trying to coax his tongue to stroke him in return.

Hu Yetao made a sound of disgruntled frustration when his mate didn't kiss him back.

Whatever subconscious noise Hu Yetao had made seemed to suddenly spur his Alpha into action, as, with a low growl, the Slytherin suddenly began to kiss him back, taking control of the kiss and deepening it.

Hu Yetao's knees nearly buckled in relief and Oscar quickly moved his hands to Hu Yetao's arse and lifted him so that Hu Yetao's legs were firmly wrapped around his hips. Oscar carried him over to the bed and threw him down into the center before climbing on top of him and resuming the heated kiss.

"Yes," Hu Yetao breathed as the full weight of his Alpha pressed onto him in all the right places. He writhed and arched and gasped as the touch of his Alpha seemed to cool the intense burning that was roiling through his feverish body.

Oscar moved his lips down Hu Yetao's neck to the Claim Mark and lightly scraped his teeth over it, causing Hu Yetao's hips to nearly come right off the bed at the sensation. Oscar hummed in satisfaction, the sound vibrating against Hu Yetao's skin gratifyingly.

Hu Yetao felt frustration wash over again, needing things to move along much faster than this. He didn't want foreplay - he wanted to be taken. Now.

The heat licked at his body again, escalating as he became frustrated and desperate.

Hu Yetao threw his head back on the pillow, hands clawing at the bedclothes on either side of him. "Fuck me," he ground out, arching his neck, face a twisted grimace of urgent need. "Please Oscar… please… I need you…"

He looked up at his Alpha, sweat stinging his eyes, and bit his lip hard. Oscar's expression was just like it had been on the night he'd claimed Hu Yetao; feral and possessive - and fuck if it didn't ramp Hu Yetao's arousal up another unbearable notch.

Oscar threw an arm out towards the door to their room and Hu Yetao heard it lock before becoming muffled by an efficient silencing charm.

Oscar sat up and began to rip Hu Yetao's clothing off of him in a frenzy, first his cloak and then his shirt - popping buttons in his haste - and then flinging his belt open and wrenching his trousers down and off, Hu Yetao assisting as best he could, levering his weight off of the bed, eyes locked on his Alpha, transfixed.

Oscar's nostrils flared as he removed Hu Yetao's wet pants, the scent of his mate's arousal hitting him like a bludger to the head.

Hu Yetao swallowed, breath coming shallow and fast, as he watched with rapt attention as Oscar tore his clothes off in a rush, throwing them to the floor as though he was infuriated with their very existence.

Hu Yetao sighed as his mate lay back on top of him, skin to skin, and oh, the relief that washed over his body and into his feverish mind. It was so wonderful; such a sense of rightness and perfection.

Oscar snarled as he began to grind down into Hu Yetao's flushed cock, the fluid from Hu Yetao's arse slicking the way to enable the smooth slide of cock against cock, and Hu Yetao thought he just might explode as his legs came up of their own accord to grip on either side of Oscar's thrusting hips. Sparks ignited in his groin over and over again at the repeated action.

Oscar suddenly shifted so that his stiff cock dropped back and began to drag over the crease of Hu Yetao's lubricated arse and bollocks.

Hu Yetao whimpered as his asshole twitched, demanding to be filled and not just subjected to this torturously too-gentle surface glide.

"More," Hu Yetao gasped, demanding, ordering his Alpha to comply. Surely he would die if Oscar didn't fuck him soon.

Oscar knelt up and had shoved Hu Yetao's knees into his chest before he even knew what was happening, all the air in his lungs forced out in a sudden 'whoosh.'

Oscar dropped one hand to his erection and lined himself up before brutally shoving himself inside of his mate.

Hu Yetao cried out in blissful, ecstasy-induced pleasure. His Alpha had a sizeable cock and it usually took Hu Yetao some time to adjust to the substantial intrusion, but in his current state, it slid right in with barely any burn.

This was not like their usual love-making at all, even the times they had had to hurry for lack of time, or because they had been gripped by sudden desire. This was rough and feral and much more animalistic.

Oscar dragged Hu Yetao's legs up over his shoulders and began to pound into him with unrestraint.

"Y-y-es…." Hu Yetao stuttered, dragging the syllables out like Parseltongue as he closed his eyes and gave himself over to his Alpha; to the ruthless thrusting that brought him quickly to the edge but not quite tipping him over into the blinding orgasm he knew was just there.

Oscar held tight to Hu Yetao's sweat-slippery thighs as he continued to hammer into him with the staccato sound of skin slapping on the skin, filling the room and echoing in Hu Yetao's ears like a drum beat.

Hu Yetao opened his eyes as an inexplicable frustration slowly stirred his temper again; his body was screaming 'more, more, more and he didn't know what it wanted or how to alleviate it.

The appalling heat crept back in and caused him to moan miserably.

Oscar opened his eyes, his gaze tracking over Hu Yetao's expression, searching for something, even as he continued to thrust into him with a grunt on almost every inward push, his platinum hair now gold with sweat and sticking to his temples.

Hu Yetao stared back at him imploringly. "More," was the only thing he could articulate, the only thing he knew undeniably. "Oscar…" he keened desperately, hoping his Alpha would understand and would know what to do, how to take care of him.

Oscar's brown eyes flashed, his pupils blown wide, staring as his Omega desperately demanded more.

Hu Yetao gasped as Oscar abruptly pulled out and flipped him over onto his stomach, his flushed and neglected cock pressed into the mattress for a brief moment before Oscar grabbed his hips and pulled him up onto his hands and knees.

Oscar parted his arse and slammed back inside of him, not even pausing before relentlessly pounding into his slick hole again. Hu Yetao dropped his forehead to the bed with a bitten-off moan, bracing himself on his arms, as he waited expectantly for his Alpha to make everything better; to fix the burning ache that threatened to consume him.

Hu Yetao's eyes flew open as something changed, something significant was happening. Oscar hesitated and then began to slow his pace, changing to long, slow, deep thrusts; in and out, in and out…

But instead of frustrating Hu Yetao, it was easing that desperate ache as nothing else had thus far. Suddenly each thrust felt more fulfilling, dragging out immense and unexplainable satisfaction. He could feel a stretch that hadn't been there before, as though his mate hadn't been fully hard when they'd started, and now he was becoming more and more engorged.

Hu Yetao let loose a long, low moan as Oscar's swollen cock dragged over his prostate, catching on his rim, feeling huge and just fucking brilliant.

"Uhhh Hu Yetao…" Oscar groaned out in a mix of reverence and gratification, as though he couldn't quite believe the pleasure he was experiencing.

Hu Yetao wished he could see his mate as he pushed back against him in counterbalance, feeling amazingly full.

Oscar pushed in deep twice more and then couldn't pull out again; now firmly knotted inside of Hu Yetao.

As soon as this happened, Oscar's breath caught in his throat and he froze for a moment, before pressing his hips forward once more, hard, and stilling.

Hu Yetao nearly sobbed at the feeling of Oscar's cock pulsing deep within him as his Alpha came, groaning above him in the throes of orgasm. Hu Yetao quickly reached underneath himself and tugged on his leaking cock. He gasped as he rapidly and efficiently fisted himself, feeling as though he was going to pass out it felt so good.

Oscar leaned forward over Hu Yetao's sweaty back, bracketing him with his body, and lowered his mouth to firmly bite the silvery Claim Mark.

Hu Yetao jolted with a gasp and Oscar remained buried deep inside of him as Hu Yetao finally, finally, came with a shout; spurting rope after rope of cum all over the bedclothes and his working hand.

It was the most explosive and overwhelming orgasm of his young life, and he again wondered if he was going to pass out from the overpowering experience. He was drowning in it.

He continued to milk his cock until his orgasm had completely receded, leaving him utterly spent and trembling.

"I've got you," Oscar murmured into his ear as he curled one arm around Hu Yetao's waist and lowered them both to lie side by side on the bed, his knot keeping them bound together.

Hu Yetao settled back against his Alpha with a weary sigh of contentment, pressing his arse back against Oscar's pelvis and tucking neatly into his arms. His heat had now settled into a barely-there warmth. As soon as Oscar had cum inside of him, he'd felt a wonderful cooling sensation wipe over him like a cool cloth on fevered skin.

Hu Yetao's eyes fell shut almost instantly, his body demanding sleep before it threw him back into the frenzy of his heat again. He felt sated and protected in his mate's arms, and was not thinking about the consequences of their actions. He was just too bloody exhausted to give a fuck.

He smiled softly as Oscar kissed the top of his head and murmured something that sounded like 'I love you.'

Hu Yetao drifted off before he could gather the energy to respond.