Chapter 94

Hu Yetao woke with a gasp, eyes flying open and body jerking at the unexpected sensation of something warm and wet enveloping his morning hard-on.

Hu Yetao looked down to see Oscar staring back at him, lips forming a smirk around his flushed erection.

Hu Yetao's head instantly dropped back onto the pillow with a moan, hips involuntarily twitching up into his mate's mouth.

He was fully hard now; cock suddenly throbbing with the need for release, and his body was thrumming with ecstasy at being presented with this long-desired attention from his Alpha.

It had been so long and he needed this so much that he knew he wasn't going to last long.

Hu Yetao moaned and panted and arched his neck as he lost himself in the sensation of Oscar's tongue gliding up his shaft, lightly swirling around the trembling head, and then running back down again, Oscar's hand all the while grasping the base and moving in time with his wonderful mouth.

Hu Yetao arched off the bed, hands clamping down around fistfuls of sheets as he was, rather swiftly, brought to the edge of orgasm.

"Oscar…" Hu Yetao gasped as his legs quivered and his hips continued to thrust between his Alpha's lips.

Oscar moaned in response, the vibrations sending added jolts of pleasure shooting throughout Hu Yetao's body.

Oscar began to suck in earnest and, as soon as he slid one spit-slickened finger into Hu Yetao's arse, Hu Yetao's whole world exploded in a barrage of sparks that seemed to nearly blind him for a moment.

He groaned as he emptied himself down Oscar's more than willing throat, his cock pulsing between Oscar's lips as the Slytherin swallowed greedily.

Hu Yetao collapsed back onto the bed, breathing hard, eyes closed and body languid and utterly sated.

Oscar sat up, licking his lips and smirking in amusement at his mate. "Well, that had to be some kind of record Taotao."

Hu Yetao smiled tiredly, eyes remaining closed. "I told you I was getting desperate. Believe me; I'll be wanting that again in about an hour."

Oscar snickered and crawled up Hu Yetao's body, half draping himself across his mate.

"Oof! You're heavy," Hu Yetao complained half-heartedly as he slowly opened his eyes and fixed his Alpha with an ineffectual glare.

"Tough shit," Oscar retorted with a grin. He absently ran a hand up Hu Yetao's side and then over his stomach, his eyes tracking the movement. "Hey, I think you're starting to show."

Hu Yetao glanced down and saw that his mate was right; there was a small but noticeable swell to his previously lean stomach. "I look bloated," he observed.

Oscar snorted and continued to lightly run the tips of his fingers over the distinctive baby bump.

Hu Yetao's frown turned into a fond smile as he watched him. Despite Oscar's seemingly cool and indifferent exterior, he was quite sentimental at heart. He was going to make a brilliant father.

Oscar's hand stilled over Hu Yetao's stomach and he suddenly looked up at him through his lashes. "We need to get to breakfast or we'll miss it, so if you could just take care of this for me…" he drawled, suggestively pushing his neglected erection into Hu Yetao's thigh with a smirk.

Hu Yetao laughed and obediently maneuvered himself over his mate's sprawled body to return the favor.

Hu Yetao sat at the Gryffindor table with his mate, absently scrawling a quick note to Su Min to ask if she - along with a guardian - could meet him in Hogsmeade to return his Cloak. He didn't trust the Cloak to be delivered by owl post or by any other means. He even offered to take Su Min to Honeyduke's to sweeten the deal; so to speak.

"How was the party?" Jing Long asked as she poured herself a cup of tea with one hand and opened her Advanced Arithmancy text with the other.

"It was… unpleasant," Oscar pronounced coolly, causing Hu Yetao to glance up from his letter writing.

Jing Long instantly allowed her book to fall closed again, attention captured. "How so?"

Hu Yetao absently chewed the end of his quill, curious about how much his mate would divulge.

"Let's just say that taking a male Omega to a large party is not conducive to a relaxing evening."

"Ah…" Jing Long's frown cleared as he nodded in understanding. "And would this have anything to do with Zhou Keyu?" he added in a hushed tone.

Hu Yetao started. "How did you know?"

"Well, that answers that," Zhang Xinyao interjected wryly, a heaped spoon of hot porridge pausing halfway to his mouth as he grinned at Hu Yetao.

Hu Yetao flushed, realizing his blunder. He glanced at Oscar and his mate just shook his head at him with a smile that was more affectionate than exasperated.

"I would have worked it out on my own anyway," Jing-Long interrupted with a dismissive wave of his hand, "since he rather suddenly decided to leave Hogwarts."

Hu Yetao and Oscar both turned to him in surprise.

Zhang Xinyao nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, the Slytherins were telling everyone that Zhou Keyu told them last night that he would be leaving school to continue his education elsewhere."

"Did he say why?" Hu Yetao asked apprehensively.

"No." Jing-Long shook his head. "Complete mystery. Until now."

"Let's keep it that way, shall we?" Oscar said quietly yet firmly, eyes calmly on his toast as he spread a healthy layer of marmalade over the melting butter.

"Sure no problem," Xinyao agreed, mouth full of porridge. "Always thought he was a bit of a wanker anyway."

Oscar snorted in amusement but Hu Yetao couldn't help but feel a flicker of sympathy for Keyu. He may have been annoyingly persistent but he'd also confessed to being in love with Hu Yetao. Maybe it was just Hu Yetao's Omega hormones that had caused Keyu to think he was in love with him but it had probably felt real to the Alpha.

Hu Yetao noticed Jing-Long watching him and quickly returned to his letter, not wanting to get into it over breakfast.

The four finished eating and prepared to head off to their first class of the day. Hu Yetao slipped his finished letter into his pocket and made a mental note to visit the owlery in between classes.

Hu Yetao awoke the next morning and blinked at the shadowed underside of their four poster bed a moment, wondering why he was awake so early.

He turned his head to look over at his mate and what he saw made him smile. Oscar was fast asleep; little puffs of air escaping from between his parted lips and ruffling his blond fringe where it hung softly over one eye. His expression was serene and at peace, no worry lines creasing his pale skin as had almost become the norm since the start of Hu Yetao's pregnancy.

Oscar had taken his first Dreamless Sleep Potion last night and it had done the trick.

Hu Yetao turned onto his side, intending to snuggle in closer to his mate while he waited for Oscar to wake, but an abrupt lurch in his gut had him suddenly sitting upright and then bolting for the loo.

Hu Yetao pushed the toilet seat up as he dropped to his knees on the cold floor and proceeded to empty the contents of his stomach into the porcelain bowl.

Once the heaving of his stomach subsided, Hu Yetao lowered his forehead onto his arm and closed his eyes, exhaling shakily. His stomach was still churning a little and he didn't want to move in case he triggered another bout of vomiting.

A weary smile of wry amusement tugged at his lips as he pressed his warm forehead against the cool skin of his arm; he'd prematurely thought this pregnancy thing was going to be easy but it looked like morning sickness had finally found him.

He took a few more steadying breaths before opening his eyes once more. It seemed his stomach was content enough not to induce any further retching for the moment, so he reached up with one hand and flushed the toilet before carefully rising to his feet.

He slowly padded back into the bedroom on legs that were only slightly unsteady and climbed in between the warm blankets beside his softly snoring Alpha.

He lay on his back and placed a gentle hand over his protruding stomach as he stared down at the soft curve of his belly. He rubbed soothing circles over his bump, hoping to ease lingering nausea.