Chapter 100

Hu Yetao was startled as a fluffy tail whipped in front of his eyes and he suddenly had the strangest urge to swat at it.

"Don't forget you are still Hu Yetao, you are still human within the cat."

Hu Yetao blinked away from his tantalizing tail and looked to Professor Mika, who was watching him closely from a chair by a large window in the Shrieking Shack, opaque beneath a layer of filth.

Hu Yetao tried to calm his mind like the professor had taught him like all the books had said when discussing desires and reactions whilst in your Animagus form.

Once he had a handle on his mind again, he quietly looked to the professor and waited.

"Good." Professor Mika nodded in approval, smiling. "Very good Hu Yetao. Now I want you to go to the other side of the room and lie down next to Oscar."

Hu Yetao flicked one rounded ear and then did as he was told. He padded over to the other side of the large, cobweb-ridden room and laid down next to his mate, who was in human form and seated on an old sofa which Oscar had cleared of dust before deigning to seat his pretentious arse on it.

Oscar smiled down at him and his smile was only slightly tinged with strain.

Hu Yetao butted his head gently into Oscar's leg, trying, in his cat-like way, to comfort his mate, to show him that he was okay, and to remind him that no harm was going to come to the baby.

Oscar's expression softened a little. He glanced up at the professor. "Do you think I would be able to touch him?"

Professor Mika stood and walked closer, his eyes appraising Hu Yetao as he lolled on the ground next to his mate. "Yes, but move slowly. He is still new at this and could lash out at any contact that he does not initiate himself."

Oscar nodded and turned back to Hu Yetao, whose large brown cat eyes were gazing back at him demurely. "Don't bite me Hu Yetao," he muttered as he leaned forward and slowly extended a hand to stroke the top of Hu Yetao's white and black spotted head.

Hu Yetao felt a flicker of amusement deep within him at his mate's tentativeness, but it quickly faded as Oscar's scent filled his sensitive nostrils. He lifted his nose and sniffed at the arm in front of him, Oscar's fingers all the while combing softly through his thick fur.

Hu Yetao suddenly felt the urge to cower away from the alien touch but also to lean into it. His tail flicked anxiously against the dusty floorboards as he tried to decide what to do.

"Careful now Oscar," the professor said warningly, voice low. "I don't think Hu Yetao knows quite what to do."

Oscar ceased his petting but kept his hand in place.

Hu Yetao blinked and then after a moment's hesitation, bumped his head up under Oscar's hand, clearly requesting for him to continue his stroking.

Professor Mika smiled and Oscar resumed his gentle petting.

"I think you will be fine in your other form with him," Professor Mika observed thoughtfully, watching them. "Will you be experimenting with that over Christmas?"

Oscar chuckled as Hu Yetao began to purr. "Yes, while we're at the Manor. My father will be there as well to help keep my little Yetao-kitten in line."

Hu Yetao's purring instantly ceased and he issued a soft growl.

Oscar snorted, amused, but slowly withdrew his hand from Hu Yetao's head and sat back just in case.

The professor nodded, watching Hu Yetao carefully, wand out and at the ready. "I wouldn't mock him just now Oscar, his mindset is that of a very irrational teenager and I'm not sure what effect the pregnancy might have on that aspect. It could intensify those unreasonable responses to an even greater degree."

Oscar nodded, keeping his eyes on Hu Yetao as his mate cocked his large feline head to one side, regarding him shrewdly.

"All right Hu Yetao," Professor Mika announced calmly. "I think that's enough for tonight, we don't want to wear you out."

Hu Yetao tore his gaze away from his Alpha and stood, shaking his large body and settling his fur back into place. He licked his lips, careful not to catch his tongue on his sharp teeth like he did the first time he successfully transformed. He concentrated as hard as he could on his human form, ignoring his four paws grounded to the floor and imagining his human body again; reminding himself that he had two feet, legs with slightly knobbly knees, narrow hips and leanly muscled chest, long neck, and ahead of long dark hair, his lightning bolt scar, and his Claiming Mark…

He continued to visualize every minute detail about himself to enact the magic required to make the change.

Hu Yetao closed his eyes as he felt the transformation begin to take effect. His magic crackled around him and he could feel his body changing shape.

"Well done Hu Yetao," Professor Mika congratulated with a smile as Hu Yetao opened his eyes to find himself back to normal.

Oscar swiftly stood and put an arm around Hu Yetao's waist as he swayed a little.

"Whew, that was… intense," Hu Yetao surmised feebly, leaning into his capable mate with a tired smile. He looked at Oscar. "I think I almost bit you."

Oscar laughed at the bewilderment in Hu Yetao's tone. "Yes, highly underserved as well I might add."

Hu Yetao raised his brow, his eyes slowly gaining more and more focus as he returned to himself. "I doubt that Oscar," he responded suspiciously. "Don't forget I saw you disrespect a Hippogriff once."

Oscar snorted as Professor Mika stepped forward and ran his wand over Hu Yetao's body, checking his magical levels and doing a quick general health assessment.

Oscar's smirk faded at the tiny frown on the professor's face. "Something wrong?"

The professor's expression smoothed over as he shook his head. "No, not really. His levels are lower than a normal expectant Omega at this stage, but I attribute that to the fact that he is a male Omega. Pregnancy is known to tax males much more than females."

"Should he stop transforming?" Oscar asked sharply.

"No, not yet," the professor replied lightly as he finished his scans. "I would give it a couple more months. But Hu Yetao," he added sternly, looking to his student. "No more than one transformation per fortnight and always make time for sufficient rest afterward. I want you to go straight to your room tonight and have something to eat, preferably chocolate, and remain to lie down or at least seated for a couple of hours."

"Aye aye," Hu Yetao responded, tone wry but weak. He felt a little more drained than the last time he'd practiced.

Oscar frowned but kept quiet, which Hu Yetao was surprised and eternally grateful for. He just wanted to return to their room and rest with his mate now.

The three of them exited the room and slowly made their way through the dimly lit tunnel and out into the evening air. What was left of the Whomping Willow was frozen above them, its incessant and angry thrashing had been somewhat dulled by damage sustained in the final Battle but it still packed a punch when it wanted to. Opening the hidden door always petrified it for a few minutes for the occupants to make a safe departure.

Hu Yetao walked between the two Alphas, his feet heavy with fatigue; it was arduous enough walking through the deep snow without the added exhaustion from Animagus training.

"Looking forward to Christmas Hu Yetao?" Professor Mika asked as they trudged through the snow.

"Yeah," Hu Yetao replied breathlessly, pulling his coat further around himself for warmth. "Mostly I'm looking forward to having a break from Hogwarts. It's just so tiring keeping this secret and pretending that I'm not exhausted by the end of the day, not to mention the crazy hormones and hiding my morning sickness and…" He trailed off, realizing he was on a bit of an uncalled-for rant. "Er, sorry, didn't mean to whine like that."

"I think you've earned the right to complain Hu Yetao, you're dealing with a lot this year."

Hu Yetao snorted. "And last year, and the year before, and the year before that…"

Professor Mika chuckled. "You're doing well though Hu Yetao; there aren't many who could cope with what you've had thrown at you and live to tell the tale. Or at least come out of it still sane."

"Oh no, he's completely mental," Oscar refuted with a smirk. "He just hides it well."

Professor Mika laughed while Hu Yetao elbowed Oscar sharply in the side.

"Ow, you oaf," his mate exclaimed with indignation.

Hu Yetao grinned and Oscar's faux outrage turned into an affectionate smile as he slid a strong arm around Hu Yetao's shoulders to help support him. His Alpha always somehow knew when he needed assistance without him having to ask. Hu Yetao was happy with their unspoken arrangement because he'd always struggled with asking for help, and with such an intuitive mate, he never had to.

The three fell silent as they pushed onwards through the snow and then up the wide entrance steps, careful of the ice frozen over the stone.

They walked through the huge doors and parted ways in the warm Entrance Hall.

Hu Yetao groaned under his breath as he eyed the vast staircase ahead of him.

He nearly cried out in surprise when Oscar suddenly spooned him up into his arms and started to climb the steps. "Put me down!" he ordered immediately, cheeks heating in embarrassment.

"As long as you keep pushing yourself to the limit Taotao, I will do whatever I think is necessary for your health and wellbeing," Oscar replied evenly. "And the health and wellbeing of our little plonker."

Hu Yetao opened his mouth in outrage but then couldn't help but snort with laughter. "Don't call him that."


"Or her." Hu Yetao crossed his arms over his chest as Oscar reached the top of the staircase and headed down the corridor to the next set of steps.

Oscar glanced at him. "Do you have a feeling of what it could be?" he asked nonchalantly, clearly curious.

Hu Yetao relaxed his stiff posture a little, softened by Oscar's discernible interest. "Not even a little," he admitted. "But it's early days."

Oscar nodded, carefully navigating the steps with his mate in his arms.

Hu Yetao smiled and decided to just go with it, relaxing into his Alpha's strong embrace with a sigh and closing his eyes.

"I could get used to this," he murmured.

He felt his mate's responding chuckle reverberate through his chest. "You'll be too heavy when you reach seven or eight months Yetao."

Hu Yetao was too sleepy and comfortable to be offended; he made a mental reminder to send a Stinging Hex at his mate first thing in the morning.