Chapter 106

Hu Yetao smiled sleepily as he leaned back against his Alpha on the squashy sofa and listened to Mrs. Zhang chastise her husband over the box of Muggle Christmas crackers which he had charmed to create an inappropriately exuberant explosion at the dinner table. Meanwhile, Siyang was adding something to the hot apple cider from a silver flask and Zhang Xinyao was stealing a few more mince tarts while their mum was otherwise occupied. All the while the wireless was quietly playing Christmas carols in the background along with the comforting clink of the dishes washing in the kitchen.

Jing Long smiled at Hu Yetao from where she was seated in an old armchair next to the crackling fire, Xue Bayi on the floor at his feet having his long hair plaited while he played with his new Puffskein.

Hu Yetao's answering smile was cut short by a wide yawn.

"Hu Yetao dear, are you all right?" Mrs. Zhang paused in her reprimanding to ask with concern. "You're not over-exerting yourself are you?"

Hu Yetao chuckled and shook his head. "Do you think Oscar would allow that to happen?"

The worry vanished from Mrs. Zhang's eyes in an instant as her gaze switched to his Alpha seated directly behind him, arms securely wrapped around Hu Yetao's chest.

Instead of being concerned about Hu Yetao having a Wang and a Slytherin for a partner, she'd silently reserved judgment until she'd spent some time with the two mates and witnessed for herself just how good a match they were. She had seen in an instant not only how caring and attentive Oscar was when it came to Hu Yetao, but also how he teased him and didn't cater to his every whim.

The fact that Hu Yetao would soon be giving birth to a baby that was half Wang also added a lot of points in Oscar's favor. There was nothing Mrs. Zhang loved more than newborn babies.

Mrs. Zhang smiled warmly at Oscar before turning back to her husband, who had returned to his search for the missing Debenhams crackers.

Hu Yetao rubbed one hand over his small rounded belly with a slight groan. "I ate way too much, I think I would be this fat even if I wasn't pregnant," he grumbled out loud.

Oscar's answering chuckle reverberated against his back.

"I say enjoy it Hu Yetao," Xinyao said enviously as he sat on the floor next to his sister to offer the Puffskein a mince tart. "It's the only time you can eat anything you want and not care about the consequences."

Jing Long snorted. "Since when has that stopped you?"

Hu Yetao laughed and linked his fingers through Oscar's overtop his stomach. Somehow it felt as though his belly had grown since yesterday. At this rate, he would be enormous by spring - and he wasn't due until August.

"Do you have any possible names yet Hu Yetao?" Xue Bayi asked, glancing up from her fluffy little pet, which was currently devouring the mince tart with enthusiasm.

"Yes," Hu Yetao replied without elaborating.

"Boy and girl names?"


Xue Bayi huffed in exasperation, causing Hu Yetao to laugh.

"We're not telling anyone any names until it's official, but we've decided on a boy's name," Hu Yetao finally disclosed, taking pity on her. "And we have two girl's names that we both like."

"And you're finding out the gender in a couple of months?" Jing Long asked, glancing up.

Hu Yetao nodded in confirmation. It wasn't just the fact that he and Oscar wanted to know the gender so that they could purchase appropriate clothing, they wanted to be prepared in case it was a male because that would mean a Nundu child.

If it was a boy, then they would almost certainly be moving out of the country. They'd been doing a bit of research in preparation, searching for the most appropriate locations for safety and anonymity. Hu Yetao didn't want to leave his and Oscar's respective families but he was willing to do just about anything to protect his mate and his child.

If it had to be just the three of them for a while, then that's what they would do.

As though reading his mind, Oscar gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"I believe it's time to get this one off to bed," Oscar announced before placing a tender kiss on the back of Hu Yetao's neck.

Xinyao rolled his eyes while the others watched with slightly gooey expressions on their faces.

Hu Yetao just smiled; feeling on top of the world after everything that had happened yesterday. How could he not feel great when the threat to his safety had finally been removed and his adoptive family had welcomed his mate wholeheartedly into their home?

It had been such a wonderful day spent with the Zhang's; from the delicious late-morning breakfast and snowball fight in the garden to the heaps of wizarding games by the fire, all capped off with a huge dinner and the unwrapping of gifts. Hu Yetao and Oscar had received an honorary Zhang jumper for their future little one and Mrs. Zhang had promised to stitch an initial onto it once their baby had a name.

Hu Yetao sent Oscar a grateful smile as he got to his feet, very nearly grunting with the effort to get off the low-slung sofa. He hated leaving early but that was just another part of being pregnant he was learning to live with.

The two mates bid farewell as they slipped into their thick winter cloaks and fur-lined boots by the door, the entryway a cozy catastrophe of brightly colored wellies and puddles of melting snow along with a vast collection of woolen cloaks with hand-sewn patches and scraps of parchment and chocolate frog wrappers spilling out of the pockets.

Hu Yetao loved it. He dearly hoped they could visit for Christmas next year even if they weren't living in the same country.

Mrs. Zhang gave him an especially long and tight embrace before letting him return to Oscar's side, her eyes glassy with emotion as she pulled back.

"Goodbye Oscar dear," she said, turning to him with a smile, knowing he probably wouldn't appreciate a crushing hug from her this early on in their association.

"Goodnight Mrs. Zhang, thank you for having me," he replied politely as he slipped a warm hand into Hu Yetao's.

She nodded in response and Hu Yetao waved one last time at the gathered group before turning away to walk out into The Burrow's front garden, holding tight to his Alpha's hand while the stars twinkled overhead in the clear night sky.

They were heading back to a mostly empty school for the last few days of the Christmas hols. Hu Yetao had wanted to spend a bit of time there since it was his last Christmas at Hogwarts and the castle had been more of a home to him than anywhere else.

Oscar looked up, following Hu Yetao's gaze as they walked down the front path. "Beautiful night," he observed.

Hu Yetao glanced at him with an amused smile. "Feeling sentimental are we?"

Oscar dropped his gaze to Hu Yetao's and something in his expression made Hu Yetao frown.

Oscar exhaled, breath puffing out in a white cloud in the cold evening air. He suddenly stopped walking and Hu Yetao paused, watching as his Alpha shoved both hands into his pockets, looking uncharacteristically uncertain.

"What's wrong?" Hu Yetao asked uneasily.