
"So you know huh. Now I need to kill you more than ever. Your memories will be useful."

Dreamer knew about Gods from Hubris and now he wanted to know about the Demons. After all, in the end, his goal was to kill both of them.

"Tell me how did you get his sword? We tried to find it all over the planets. How did you hide it from all of us? Tell me." Ravana asked a series of questions, he wanted some answers as well.

"Pipe down, Ravana. If you defeat me I'll answer your questions. Your two heads are annoying when they speak at the same time." Dreamer replied, taking a stance with Venom facing Ravana.

"How did you know my name? I never told you my name. Who are you, really?" Ravana had received many shocks today and Dreamer knowing his name was one of them.

"Like I said, defeat me and I will answer everything." Dreamer stood rigid to his offer.

"Tch. Fine…" Ravana agreed and flicked his fingers.