No One Is

"We are scum? What do you mean?" Warren asked.

Dreamer sighed. "Listen up. I want you all to think as deep as that tiny little brain of yours can manage. All the Nobles and Mayors of this planet are in front of me, right?"

"Y-Yes?" Warren answered.

"Now tell me this, between killing all the poor, criminals and hybrid people and killing you Nobles who are only a handful, what will be easy for me?"

"What? But why will you kill us?" Garry seemed shocked about what Dreamer said. It was as if he never thought that Dreamer would decide to kill him.

"Why will I kill you? Then why should I kill all those people who you told me to kill?"

"Because they are a minority! They are filth. They have different skin color from us. They are hybrids. We are superior. Can't you see that? We are Nobles."

"Damn, old man. You are Nobles not Gods. What do you think makes a Noble?" Dreamer asked.