
The Twentieth King, the King Of Health, Artery's training was going smoothly.

The Nineteenth Queen, the Queen Of Sins, Velka's training was going smoothly.

The Eighteenth Queen, the Queen Of Apocalypse, Herim's training was also going smoothly.

The Seventeenth Queen, the Queen Of Constellations, Otsuki's training was going smoothly as well.

The Sixteenth King, the King Of Wickedness, Apophis' training was processed without any hitch.

The Fifteenth King, the King Of Galaxy, Astro's focus was on his training too.

The Fourteenth King, the King Of Frost, Zora, was dedicated to his training as well.

The Thirteenth King, the King Of Poison, Loki, saw nothing other than raising his Levels. He trained diligently.

The Twelfth King, the King Of Ocean, Neptune, well, he was with Jordan but his training was going as well. He was killing many people and raising his Levels as well.