We stood huddled under an umbrella, in the middle of the now quiet and dimly lit street, our backs facing the entrance of the inn where a sign saying "Full Occupancy" was set out in the light drizzle. The reddish clouds in the dark sky shrouded the pale silver moon that had exposed itself for a brief moment hours ago.
I chewed on the inside of my cheek, my face still warm from the mortifying situation minutes ago. First, I was embarrassed at myself, for letting myself be cheated by an innkeeper from a fictional universe. Secondly, I was too much of a coward to ask for my money back that Mo Yue had to intervene by threatening the innkeeper. Thirdly, it was humiliating to be chased out into the streets after making such a din, especially when most of the visitors to this town had already retired peacefully for the night.
"Thank you for helping me get my money back," I laughed nervously and looked down at the damp ground. "You were right after all."
"So what are your plans now? Where will you go for the night?" Mo Yue asked, adjusting the angle of the umbrella to shield us from the rain blown in our direction by the freezing wind.
"I'll probably leave right now, for home," I said at length with a despairing shrug. "Even though I would have wanted to watch the tournament with you."
Having found Mo Yue, who looked identical to Ji Kai, was the greatest gain from my maiden journey into this book. The only thing I was not sure about is whether the boatman was ready to set off right now.
"If you do not mind," he turned towards me and spoke kindly in a quiet voice, "there is a spare bedroom in my temporary residence in this town. You can stay there until the Convention ends."
My ears perked up instantly as happiness raced through my thoughts. "Alright then. Seeing that it is getting late, I'll help you to carry your items back to your residence and impose on your kindness for the night. Thank you for your hospitality in advance."