The monster

Chapter thirty


"You know what will happen. You know why you have to let her go.''

Leighty leads me out of the heavens. I didn't even want to be there the first time but the fact that they all wanted me gone hurts even more.

"I need her.''

"You can't have her."

"Why not?''

He sighs "You know why.''

"I know why you all think this is wrong. I know why you think this will mess with the order of things but I don't know why you will not let me give this a try.''

"Do you remember what happened the last time you gave something a try?'' he reminds me of a dark time.

The reason why my life is so fucked.

"This is different.''

"It involves you. Nothing you do will lead to any good. You might think I am just trying to mess with your life but I am doing this for you. I am doing this to protect you.''

"Let me do this on my own.''