The drive home


He is nothing like I knew before.

This man in front of me is not the woman I fell in love with, and it is glaring, so glaring that it hurts me to the core. I feel a lot for him. Different feelings from the ones with Harley. How could he be so different but also the same?

It makes no sense but that is what I am experiencing right now.

"Come on,'' I tell him.

He lets out a huff and it is the best sound I have heard all night. That is him giving in to me. He is letting me take control, even though he is terrified. I lead him to my car, and he follows me like a puppy--well a puppy that I want to devour. He doesn't look at me as we get to my Ford Mustang. I didn't let Andrew drive me here because I wanted to be alone with him. I want to experience all I can with him alone. With no judgment or spectator.