Chapter 1





It's completely black. My arms are tied over my head. I hang down, toes barely touching. Shoulders screaming.


"Hello there, little boy. Are you lost? Hmm...Is it how you fantasized?" An unfamiliar female voice asks.


Under the blindfold, my eyes shift. A blurry figure moves in front of me, circling close. I try to move but realize I'm tied up.


"Yeah, try and get free." She prods, "How does that make you feel, little boy? Helpless? Aww."


She moves close to my ear. Goosebumps run down my neck, shoulders. My cock groans a reluctant boner, as she moves close to my ear.


"Awww, lookie there...someone is sensitive. Are you, turned on!?" 


Her voice right in my ear. Her breath smells sweet, like starburst. I can't help it, her voice like some sort of seductress. I try to think of baseball. Monday's work orders. How fast food is processed.


"I bet he's rock hard...and you have no idea of what we plan on doing to you!"


She's right. It hits me right there as she pulls me against her. Her mouth so close to my ear, I hear her breath before she continues.


"You, are completely helpless...if you get out of's because you were a good little boy, and we let you go."


Out of nowhere my face is slapped hard. Knocking me swinging. My senses are blocked but I feel her grab me as she moves away.


"We are going to have so much fun with you, pervert boy!"


What the fuck? I'm no child molester, no rapist. I'm just a maintenance man with two dogs and passion for the truth. What did I ever do to deserve this!? Wait, where is this? Wait, what was my last memory?


"Are you trying to figure me out? Remember my voice? Worried about your dogs?...They're safer then you are."


She moves in close, I feel her stroke the side of my cheek. I instinctively move away.


I feel her smile. 


" won't do that in the future...all of my pets learn to love mama."


I try to move away, but just flail in the restraint.


"...and our little...bondage sessions. Heh-heh-heh!"


What the fuck happened!? Remember dammit, remember! Nothing but black. Hazy grey clouds.


"I do like the fact you're the strong silent type...I pegged you for a blubbering little liberal hipster."


Her fingers move up my chin, slowly lifting my face. Through the blindfold, I see her shape in front of me. I jerk away, causing her to laugh. 


"Hah-hah-hah! I am going to have so much fun..." She moves close to my ear, "breaking you!"


Goose bumps, all over my neck, shoulders, even down my left arm. 


She pulls me close, and I feel her lunge for my neck. Her teeth hit my skin, I flail and jerk. My neck, my kryptonite. How did she know?!


Her teeth lightly graze on my neck. Her every breath causes new waves of goosebumps that run down my chest to my throbbing cock. I'm held tight her arms. Twitching slightly. Her breathing causing waves of pimpled flesh.


I continue to jerk and pull on the ropes holding me up. All to no avail. She doesn't bite down, just resting her teeth on the soft of my neck. 


She whispers, "I can wait all day." Then puts her mouth back to my neck. 


Breathing hard, I slowly stop resisting. Waiting for whatever she pulls next. The unknown woman holding me tight. 


Her right arm slowly begins to move down my chest. My stomach sucks in to hide my gut. Then it travels to my waist. 


"No." I exclaim trying to pull away.


She pulls me tighter and continues under my boxers. My cock is rock hard, I can't help it. I jerk again, only to hear her right in my ear.


"I said, you, are, helpless."


A split second of nothing before she dives mouth first into my neck. My body spasms as she bites, gnaws and sucks different parts of my exposed weakness.


I feel her force my head back, exposing more of my neck. 


"No." Comes from my mouth, more of a whimper, than a command. 


"Ssshh" She whispers, the goes back to biting my neck.


My body pulls away from her, but cannot get free from her or the restraints. Her hand is firmly on my cock, which is morning wood hard at this point.


"Stop...stop...please." I whisper.


Immediately she lets go, and I swing wildly in the restraint. My head shakes, my body shivers involuntarily to some stranger knowing my secret sex spot. Only ex-girlfriends could do it right. And whoever this is, it sure as shit wasn't her.


I hang in the darkness, slowly swinging. Breathing hard, I try to regain my erect dick from exposing me as weak in this moment. Thinking of leaky water lines, mold, the smell of sewer gas.


Out of nowhere, she pulls my left ear close to her. 


"Listen close, little boy. We know every-thing about you...we know your dirty little turn-on's...all of them...we know your weaknesses-"


Her finger gently runs down my neck, down to my shoulder. More goosebumps. Cock comes back to life


"Mmm...Right now, you can't even help yourself..."


I couldn't pull away even if I tried. So I stop resisting.


"That's realize it can't do anything, unless I allow it...and the only thing you are allowed to do is...moan."


"No." I whisper.


My head is pulled down and she sinks her razor teeth into my neck. I moan and shake involuntarily in her arms. My moans turn to pathetic whimpers, she notices, continuing her assault on my neck.


My senses are flooded. I start to hear high pitch ringing. My eyes roll up all turns to a peaceful black. I feel nothing except peace.


Then, I feel the rope lose its tension, and I crash to the floor. Waking up the hard way.


From across the room, "I've had my fun for one night, you can get acquainted with your new home. It's not much...but if you're a good little boy, you can get presents...Just cause you're our new pet, doesn't mean you can't have nice things."


I hear a metal door close, and all is quiet. Immediately removing the blindfold, I'm in what looks to be a concrete jail cell. Everything bare. Two barred windows, a cot mounted to the wall, a metal toilet, metal sink. The door is just vertical metal bars on a frame. It's an eight by eight jail cell. I could touch the ceiling, maybe seven foot. It's evening. No lights overhead or inside.


"" I whisper.


Just outside the door, a female stands. Long black hair is the only thing I see for sure. What looks like a mask covers her lower face. Her eyes stare holes into me. For some reason, I can't break eye contact. Not showing fear, and not caring about my wrists, I stare her back down.


Standing up, I ask, "What do you want?"


She smirks, and slightly turns her head, "We already have everything we want."


"What the fuck do you want with me!?"


Her head turns downward, but her eyes staying on me, "To torture you."


She slightly giggles, as one finger moves to her mouth. She mocks blowing a kiss, then walks out of view. I hear a click, then a hum comes from the door. Her footsteps slowly fading away.


Slow to get up, I free my wrists from the rope binding them. I look out the window and see nothing but mountains, and green fields surrounding. Trees, rolling hills, wild grass. No noise other than the wind. The window opposite is the same. No cities, no cars, no roads. No signs of civilization for miles in every direction. I strafe views, seeing no little glowing dots, no houses or cars in any direction.


It's evening. This isn't Iowa. Where am I? Colorado? Wyoming? What day is it? How long was I out?


Coming closer, I note the doors little hum but barely pay attention as in front of me lay a canyon full of forested green untouched fields. Nothing man made, in any direction.




Taken back, I rest my hands on the door and immediately hit with pain all throughout my body. My body jumps back, and all goes black.