Subject: Target 06092005
Field Report: Agent 3301
Night after night, after the dog walk and dinner, he spends all night researching, writing, editing, researching his videos, articles. Never going out. Never interacting with society. With women.
All reports have him being polite, quiet, never rude, angry or misogynistic. Even with field agents.
His isolation seems self imposed. Not hostile towards the movement. He is onto the conspiracy. Reports indicate he has no bias other than exposing the truth.
Blackmail is nonexistent outside of marijuana usage or porn. Tracking his digital footprint, suggests he has a stash on his personal computer he regularly uses. Does not search out sex, companionship, or any type of physical relationship.
Last relationship was ten years previous. Little detail has been given in email; target does not stalk, communicate, or seek previous relationships out. Seeming to have clean breaks. No relationships in so long suggest a bad ending that still haunts him.
All communication throughout his email, conspiracy site, comments suggest a driven professional, who ignores calls from his subscribers to show his face, reveal any details of who he is. His voice has been matched as the narrator on 127 videos. All response is written.
Data suggests target spends most of his night listening to wide range of music. See attached file for detailed list.
His work life has no clue of who he is outside of work. Residents of housing complex seem to not know as well. Only 10 residents are subscribers. Online world knows nothing of his job, location, or personal details.
Target lives in the shadows at night. By day, he makes no waves at his job. Is barely acknowledged by coworkers. Has been averaging less than six hours of sleep for the last year. Willing to bet this has been going on for longer.
Target seems unattached to society, without friends or close family. Only direct family is his mother who resides in assisted living. (Alzheimer's) The only person still alive, who will remember him, is slowly forgetting his every detail.
He has no one.
Despite this, he deliberately pushes forward with his fight for the truth. For the same people he resists joining. He seems to want to exist as a faceless narrator, forgotten after his time, but striving to impact everyone around him for the betterment of all.
He has pushed multiple female writers for better, seeming to hold them to higher standards than their male contemporaries. Online agents have been reluctant to move on target.
NSA and other agencies have struggled with disinformation attacks on him. It seems his subscribers may be hackers or better informed citizens, who have back channeled and traced different bot accounts. Even releasing their findings in videos, reaffirming their beliefs, and proving state sponsored attacks on citizen journalists. See attached file.
Threat Level: 8
Immediate steps need to be taken. Target must be taken to "the House" and either influenced or silenced. He is too committed to a cause to believe in permanent influence, agent or agents need to consider alternative methods.
A private rendition site would alleviate immediate concerns, and halt his ongoing investigation before he can spread his findings.
We have nothing publicly to shame or censor him. He seems hyper aware of male agents, or local authorities. Suggest using operatives to get close to learn daily routine/weaknesses, before field agents would be sent in to collect.