
I feel like I should write a notice for all my future readers here so you can know whether to drop or not.

The MC isn't going to be a bad guy and will have a personality similar to, if not a bit more aggressive than, OG Rimuru, though he won't be as nieve. He is also going to 'mostly' follow the plot of Tensura, though changing things here and there until where the Demon Lord Awakening arc would be, then he will start making big changes.

Its also in the synopsis, but since a lot of people don't read that, despite this being a harem fic, (probably with lackluster character development for the waifus too), the MC isn't a hormonal teenager who will attempt to dominate any attractive woman with a name and will actively try to help his subordinates in their love lives. (i.e. Benimaru still gets Momiji and Albis and Souei still gets Souka.)

If you don't like it then too bad. I've given fair warning here, so if I see any comments like 'Steal her", then I'm deleting them. They are too annoying.

Finally, I will be skipping R-18 scenes and only implying them. This is something of a staple in my other works, but the reason remains the same. 'If your horny, watch porn, don't complain to me about it'. I hate waiting days for a new chapter to come out only for the entire chapter to be a half-assed sex scene with no content. Its one of the fastest ways for me to drop a novel, so I won't be a hypocrite and do the same in my novels

Finally, part two, electric boogaloo, most of the chapters of this series are going to be shorter and have bad grammar. That's because I will be writing them at work on my phone either during lunch or whenever I have free time. I noticed with my other works, all have roughly 1500-2500 words but this one will probably only be about 500 words each unless its a day off or the weekend when I am inspired to write more.