Chapter 8 "Ruby Tuesday"

After thirty minutes, she watches her love jog up the path from the porch. Ear buds blinding her from the calls. 


"Oh-hey! Sorry, just needed to get a run in."


"I,, okay?"


"Yeah, I'm good."


Good actress. The smile isn't completely genuine. I can tell.


"Don't cut me out, what was it he said?"


"I'm fine-it wasn't...he just, quoted a certain song...My..."dark time" song...It's nothing, just needed to clear my mind...I'm fine."


"Are you?"


"Yes, completely. I need to jump in the shower though. You hungry? I'll cook."


She's lying. Shake it off. Don't show.


"Of course, babe."


They share a smile and gentle kiss. She tastes like sweet sweaty nectar.


"Good, I'll shower first." She leaves with a smile.


Give her one back. Even if it's fake, make it genuine.


Wait. Wait for the shower to run. Then check. 


She waits for a couple of minutes before, going to find the phone. See what she listened to. What was it?


Get past her security code. Andrea's birthdate. Check history. There it is, in the YouTube sub menu. 


Nine Inch Nails, "Right Where It Belongs".


Her eyes drift to the steaming shower. Close everything. Put it back. Forgive, don't forget. This is just a job. Nothing more. She needs to be reminded of that. No matter whom the cost is.