
*Anos's POV*

*4 Hours later*

"So how the fuck did you know I was a progenitor Alucard?" I asked while both of us drank coffee. With two drops of concentrated blood of course.

He surely could have thought of it from my blood vial but that would just mean I was another vampire. Information about another Progenitor was technically supposed to be leaked first before their traits.

"I must commend you on the great coffee. They don't make it like this at the Castle." He said while taking a sip.

"While I'm utterly flattered by your compliment you didn't reply to my query your grace," I said in mock formality.

Though I was lazy with the information myself it was still my own words. If there was another leak then the person responsible for it needed to be taken care of.

"Uh, oh yeah about you being a progenitor right? I have my sources." He quietly tried to sway away from the topic.

'He's smart.' I thought and took another sip from my coffee.

Most children at our age would be too naive to hold a conversation like this, let alone sway it in their favor willingly.

"Then I must commend your sources," I said and looked curiously over his reaction.

"They are the best. Wouldn't have survived the feral outbreak if they weren't." He replied with a nod.

Translation: They're useful enough and no 3rd rate organization will know.

His own house being the exception of these '3rd Rate Organization's' of course.

"Then I'll love to meet them. Provided favorable circumstances of course." I said and finished my coffee.

Translation: Keep the info to yourselves and every bat will be in its own skin.

"Then I offer you to visit the castle when we've got the place tidied up." He said and finished his own cup.

Translation: We're neutral in this and will do you no harm if you yourself aren't the aggressor.

He did slip up though. The last words clearly gave way to an internal conflict. No bloodshed of course. Half of Europe and America alive in the 1700s can tell you that the Bastards could certainly scream and screech enough for the world to know when they fought.


We both moved our heads and saw Simon Breaking a Plate with his bare teeth.

"Oh come on. That's Professor Flitwick's favorite tea set. At least wait till the classes start before breaking shit." I said and Simon Glared at me.

"The House you end up in would certainly have a poor fate. Tsk tsk." Alucard joined in.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that you drank blood?" Simon pointed at me aggressively.

"Oh come on I've had enough of that finger shit. I just didn't want you to misunderstand and make a mistake you know. 'Oh I'm a Progenitor and I drink blood. Nice to meet ya hope we can be best friends.' Was I supposed to introduce myself like that? " I replied and he seemed to be thinking my words over.

'Like I wanted the Progenitor part known to everyone.'

" Fine. You haven't killed or hurt anyone for blood have you?" He asked.

"Well, there was that one time when I bit a Hippogriff on its ass... " Simon seemed ready to take his whip out "... When I was less than a year old. So No, haven't hurt any Homosapien." I finished and he put his whip back.

" Huff. Fine just don't try any funny shit when I'm around." He said with a snort.

I just gave a little chuckle at his threat and decided to let him ease into my presence.

" Your clan has always bewildered me with how you carry those pieces of rope around as if they're your children," Alucard said with an uninterested voice.

" You're not gonna carry that around on campus are you? People here can be quite eccentric in their tastes." I said and smirked behind my mask.

" Well you Bloodsuckers sleep in coffins, don't you? So brought one to school haven't you?" Simon said with a smile and for a moment Alucard was surprised. He tried to retort but Simon cut him off while shouting "First victory over Bloodsuckers, Dad would be proud."

*Shrrkk, Shrrkk*

All of a sudden the three of us looked at Lan Zhan in the corner of the room. Fucking sharpening his sword.

" You know if this was a movie then that would've definitely looked cool but now it just makes the guy look like a dumbass," Simon said and I nodded.

" It seems that the sky is darkening. Although it may sound intrusive but are we allowed to rest in this room?" Lan Zhan asked while looking up at me.

"Sure? I guess. You do know that it's around 2 or 3 in the afternoon right?" I replied with a yawn.

"His sect is filled with Banishers. It's rare for even their young ones to have time free from their training. Even traveling to locations is done with minimum sleep so they're used to conserving energy for battles and training by sleeping for even minutes if they're free." Alucard said with a sigh and like every other person traveled to the roof of the room and hung upside down while taking a yawn. Simon seemed ready to burst into a fit but instead sighed and closed his eyes.

"Take some rest everyone. The teachers will probably be allotting you your houses by tonight so take care." I said and opened the door ready to step out.

" What are the Houses like?" To my intrigue, it was Alucard that asked the question.

" The other four are okay houses. Don't worry." I said and heard a faint 'Hmm' behind me from Alucard and before he could think my wording over I stepped out.

I walked through the corridors grinning like a madman behind my mask. This year was gonna be interesting.

Chapter 52 is already out on Patre on.



Author's Note: Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.