
*Anos's POV*

"Phew finally finished," I said and stretched my legs as the last of the Sunlight faded from the windows and the cool dusk carried the chilly air of winter into the Library.

Apparently, we were also meant to write a full parchment worth of material on how to identify Transfigured objects. I was out of the class so Hermione ended up telling me about it just as I had finished my Potions homework.

Hermione herself had finished half an hour ago and was now making indexes for her history notebook. Harriet was still furiously trying to complete the last of her Potions work having already completed the Transfiguration one.

"It's warm here. Even at dusk." Alucard commented as he closed a red-covered book.

"Not really it's fairly cold, it's still September so maybe that's why," I said as I flicked the needle in my hands.

" Nowhere is as cold as Neverwinter," Alucard said with nostalgia in his voice.

"Ooh is the vampire overlord getting homesick after a couple of days. Missing mommy's kisses." I said as I nudged him with an elbow.

Alucard simply removed my hand, stood up, and walked out of the library.

"You shouldn't have said that," Hermione said angrily.

"Although the Vampire country is mysterious even its speculated locations are hundreds of miles away from here. Alucard is certainly long away from home." Hermione said snappily.

" Okay, I'll be more careful next time. or not." I said the last part in a whisper as I thought back to Alucard's reaction.

There was something going on with my dear vampire friend and I wanted in on the chaos but it'll take time.

Finally, Harriet finished her work as all three of us went to the common room to grab Draco, Simon, and Lan Zhan before heading to the Great Hall.

As we were exiting the library I saw Dad standing at the end of the opposite corridor.

"Hey, you guys go on ahead. I'll catch up in a minute." I said and ran off.

"Finished with the homework?" Dad asked and I replied with a smiling nod.

"You don't have to cover your whole face, makes you look like one of those face stealers."

"Nah it's okay dad. So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

" The Weasley," Dad said calmly.

" I see. So what about him."

" A letter arrived from Arthur. The boy's father, he wanted to change the boy's house back to Gryffindor."

" So they let him? Without the charge?"

" Dumbledore likes the Weasleys so he pulled a favor for them. There was a note at the end asking for the boy's memories to be removed if possible to do it safely. Most likely from the Boy's mother. We did it yesterday.

Since saying 'The Sorting Hat made a mistake' wouldn't go over well we just told them that he didn't like it over there and asked for his house to be changed." Dad explained.

" So did you know I told him about my bloodline and the Pendragon tome?" I asked skeptically.

" What!" Dad gave a panicked shout.

'Well, now he does.'

Luckily we were the last group to leave the library so no one was around to see the Potions Master panicking.

"You idiotic brat." Dad looked ready to start a lecture.

"I'm sorry. I'm not lying when I say that I already understand." I said trying to defuse the situation.

"*Sigh* whatever just don't talk to the Weasley boy a lot and keep your mouth silent sometimes." Dad gave an exasperated sigh.

" Understood. By the way, did you use Drake roots in the memory wipe Potion?" I asked.

" No. The memory wipe was done by the Headmaster himself."

" I see. Well, I'll see ya in the Great Hall." I said and ran off.

" Anos wait," Dad said but I was already down the corridor.

'What the actual fuck!' I thought as I turned around a corner and walked towards the Common room after being reminded by Nearly Headless Nick that it was shameful to run in the halls.

I opened the gates lost in my own thoughts and stepped inside. Only to find Simon on his knees.

"Hermione please let me copy your homework." Simon requested teary-eyed.

" For the last time, NO. It's bad and the next potions lesson is on Wednesday. You have plenty of time." Hermione said and placed her books on the table.

"Wait really?" Simon quickly got up.

"Sometimes I wonder if you Belmonts have a bloodline of stupidity or something." Came a crisp voice from behind me. It was Alucard.

As Alucard and Simon bickered I walked up to Lan Zhan who had somehow found his sword in his sleep and was hugging it as he slept. Well, I guess he was sleeping since his eyes were covered.

"The room's on fire!" I shouted into his ears.

"So it's time to for food? I'm grateful for the reminder Anos." Lan Zhan said as he sat upright just as Draco appeared from a room rubbing his head.

"You're a jerk you know," Draco said as I laughed.

We all closed the room and made our way downstairs to the great hall.

Before the dinner, I made sure to pass a little list onto the Headmasters table before joining the others.


Chapter 58 is already out on Patre on!

Patre on.com/Ashara