
*Anos's POV*

"While I love the affection Father I think your hair is getting into my eyes and it stings," I said tapping on Dad's back.

He let go with the smallest tug on his lips indicating that he was happy.

Dumbledore and Zephyr were the only teachers that remained as all other teachers quickly exited the room.

"I.. you're not feeling unwell?" Dad asked with his hands on my shoulder.

"Well now that you're talking about it, that 20 Page homework you gave for Potions is making me feel really nauseous," I said feigning a headache.

"You're not getting out of that," Dad said strictly, and I smiled behind my mask seeing his shoulders less tense.

"Now Severus I do feel myself tearing up but we are currently in a predicament," Dumbledore said in a hoarse voice and the heavy feeling returned.

"I already have a solution," I said and gained a raised eyebrow from the Professors.

"Well it was mostly Alucard but I think we may have an idea to get out of this," I said and Alucard walked forward intent on explaining.

*After an hour of intense questioning later*

"So we're doing a severely late Omphalotomy," Zephyr said more to himself as all of us sat around and Dad did his best to present counterarguments since he knew taking hasty steps could certainly result in disaster and this wasn't a cauldron of ingredients but his son.

It was both worrisome and relaxing to see him talking so much.

"We do this for New Bloods mostly but they just need a brand from their makers. Blood Oaths are rare." Alucard said sitting straight as a pole.

" What do you think?" Dumbledore asked Zephyr who sighed.

" I was gonna ask for your blood but the results mostly would've been the same. I think we should take a week or two at least to think things over.

I'm still going to need a bit of your blood and I think the library will help in cross-referencing. No offense but I will find it reassuring to not lend my student's life to a ritual."

" None taken." Alucard nodded.

" Since we, have things to do now and it's getting late the students should leave," Dad said and Dumbledore nodded.

" I'm sorry your Sunday was ruined." Dumbledore apologized which I felt weird since he was smiling at Dad at the same time.

" Can we help you with the library stuff?" I asked and Zephyr smiled.

"No, I think I alone will be enough for that," Zephyr replied while shaking his head.

"You should be more worried about not drinking blood for the duration of this time," Alucard said nonchalantly.

"Wait!? You mean no blood at all?" I asked surprised, I hadn't expected that.

"While it is supporting your vitality it's also bad in large quantities and you drink more of it than me. I'll help you tone it down, you should've been taught this as you were growing up but I've taught New Bloods before so it won't be a problem.

It'll also help the fact that you'll be immediately ready for the procedure if required. We would've needed Blood letting otherwise." Alucard assured and both Dad and Dumbledore took a sharp breath.

"Do Not Drink Blood." Dad held my shoulders and slowly said each word, but still trusted me enough to let me keep my blood vial.

" I think it's exponentially better to not drink blood," Dumbledore said though his voice was a bit sad.

"The Blood vial being constantly around his neck won't be a problem right? Because believe me from what I know he would be feeling it, and hard." Zephyr asked and Alucard nodded.

"You could drop gallons of it in front of him and as long as I'm helping him he won't drink a single drop," Alucard said and I didn't know if I should feel reassured or not.

"I've had good control, for a long time. I can honestly stop at any time." I said with confidence.

*Next Morning*

"Oh god, I need it! I'm dying..."

"No. And keep your voice down, the others shouldn't know." Alucard's voice appeared in my mind as if he was right beside me. Fucking Legilimen.

I hadn't had anything like this shit in my previous life and oh god was it killing me. I expected myself to be weaker but I felt stronger, scratch that I felt a lot stronger.

Being able to hear and imagine the blood going through the veins of the students sitting in front of me was kinda strong but Alucard explained that it was something akin to Adrenaline. I would only be hurting myself.

I looked back and noticed Harriet and Hermione talking since class still hadn't started.

Maybe, I was setting up a bad precedent by not telling them about my condition but the more I was thinking about it the more some of my previous decisions screamed at me that it was right to not tell.

I still was feeling my previous decision to be stupid and had asked Alucard to keep my mouth shut. He had agreed to help me since he was apparently good at keeping secrets like this.

So here I was, a Progenitor who looked like a normal boy, well as normal as I was, and feeling like a depraved lunatic.

That was certainly a way to start the week.


Author Note: Leave a power stone or something if you want to, don't have much to say this time.

Read ahead while supporting me on my Patreön.


Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.