
*Anos's POV*

"Hey, I need to go to the bathroom!" I said and the door slowly opened, with enough space to allow me to barely crawl out.

Alucard looked surprised by my appearance but nature was calling.

"I know I'm beautiful but your eyes will fall off." I settled for a quick word and rushed off.

Alucard as I would learn later was surprised that even after two weeks I wasn't showing any signs of going feral.

It was night as always and I for one was getting anxious since in less than 12 hours I would be getting myself into the ritual, but Alucard had been tight-lipped about what the actual ritual was.

I would love for it to be a fucking speech but something inside me was sure that it was gonna be a shit show.

Alucard was a freaking mastermind. He had convinced everyone else that I was having a severe reaction to sunlight for some reason but Simon seemed suspicious, well something told me he wouldn't be convinced if Kira himself lied to him so that was that.

Everyone was skeptical at first, but me trying to open my eyes without my blindfold on the previous Sunday made me scream loud enough that all doubts were thrown out of the window.

Well, at least I was performing good enough in Transfiguration and Charms, somehow.

I was fucking angry at those Gods, if only they had taken like 5 minutes out of their Immortal life I would've been better off in this life.

I had chosen what I was going with, and I was pretty sure of my choices.

Limitless and Six Eyes will take up two slots because of course they would. Those two techniques single-handedly were told to be the strongest for all I knew so they would also be the best Affinities.

For the last one, I had settled on Ten Shadows. From the plethora of options, I chose it because I was already familiar with it.

The issue was the fact that I didn't know what other affinities existed, If Ryomen Sukuna really was the supreme creature or if the piece of shit Mahito could actually manipulate souls the same as wizards do Transfiguration.

It could be a heap of trouble if I turned a raccoon into a living flesh bomb not to mention the technique in my biased opinion really, really needed a shitty user.

The Ten Shadows on the other hand was almost in a manner called on par with Limitless, at least not to mention with Limitless and Six Eyes I could capture almost any Shikigami taking a significant draw from the technique.

This was the best I could do with the information I had so I just hoped it would be enough. I was probably gonna need the strength.

*8 Hours later*

"Why can't I go?" Dad asked for the thousandth time, still angry.

"Because you will die. That's just 4 words of reading Dad." I once again explained.

"I can make a Potion to negate the effects," Dad said with confidence.

" Dad, Alucard said that if any creature with human blood is within a mile of me then they would have their blood sucked out of their body till all that's left is the most shriveled juice box in existence so unless you've got a Sagittarius enchanted Armor under that robe, you can't go. I'll be fine Dad, trust me." I said and Dad hugged me.

" You're losing your touch Dad, remember when I was only allowed 3 chocolates before bed," I said with a laugh not mentioning that I had my private stash half a mile away from the house.

The only reason Zephyr was capable of going and helping was because he was Fae, more mana than flesh in their species.

The hug ended and I slowly joined Alucard.

"Ready?" Zephyr asked as we stood at the castle gates, good thing it was a Sunday and half the castle loved to sleep till evening.

We would have to travel a lot to get to wherever we were going anyway.

I looked back at the castle, not that I needed to but just cause I wanted to.

Harriet was at Quidditch practice, something about a match against Slytherin.

Hermione had offered to help her with the sport by drilling 'Quidditch through the ages' into her head and was now in the library probably finishing up next week's homework.

Lan was once again sleeping.

Simon and Draco had both stopped us before we could move out of the common room and Alucard that silver-tongued bastard had told them that I was gonna get my wand fixed and he was there so I don't burn myself in the sun.

Waking back up from my internal musings I nodded at Zephyr but as soon as we started we stopped resulting in me bumping into Zephyr.

"Tell us before stopping, next time, or are we doing the ritual 4 feet from the Castle's main entrance?" I said rubbing my nose, these were the reason for me loving Limitless.

Zephyr just made a gesture for us to be quiet and then stood as if listening for something and Alucard and I too slowed our breaths.

The grass had a fresh drizzle of rain the previous night and I could distinctly hear a light but wet smacking sound as feet met the earth.

Which meant it wasn't Hagrid, someone was following us.

Someone who knew.