They grow up so fast

*Anos's POV*

"So... What do you wanna know," I asked Dumbledore nonchalantly. For some reason, I felt lighter, hollow but lighter.

"First of all, I wanted to ask if you're okay. Anything wrong with your body, aside from the usual, since you're an alumni of Hogwarts we need to take proper precautions you see so no accidents happen. We've got enough of those with the moving staircases and the Astronomy Tower." Dumbledore asked, soothingly.

'Should I tell him? Probably not.' I decided against telling Dumbledore about the Hollowness I was feeling.

"Well if we're talking about change then." I reached out and dislodged a corner of his wooden table and placed it in front of him.

'Sweet, I didn't crack the whole thing in two. I'm getting better at it.'

Dumbledore looked down at the piece of wood in front of him, then up at me, and then down at the piece of wood again.

"Fascinating." He muttered happily.

I would go with threatening or menacing but oh well different perspectives.

"Go on," Dumbledore added.

I closed my eyes and focused on the shadows directly beneath my feet. Slowly bringing my hands together in a mock dog pattern before letting out a strong flare of energy.


First, the snouts appeared, then the red eyes and then the feet, and finally the bushy tails. Besides me were wolf-sized Shikigami which of course were Set and Sif just more grown.

"Wonderful, do they materialize from the shadow itself? Or do shadows act as portals for transportation?" Dumbledore asked and I just shrugged.

" Don't ask me, it's instinctual for me. I just know how to do it." I said scratching Sif behind his ears. They grow up so fast.


As if hearing my thoughts they turned back into puppies and now both were licking my face. Now that's more like it.

"Just wonderful," Dumbledore said before rummaging for something in his desk.

"Friend! Give Snacc!" I looked down at my two little Shikigami with raised eyebrows and they looked back at me innocently with their red eyes.

"Uh... Did you say something just now?" I asked and Dumbledore stopped for a moment to look at me.

"No I did not, maybe the ritual has left you light-headed. Just one final test and then you can return to rest. Now, where did I leave that cage." Dumbledore returned to rummaging through his desk.

" Meower bad! Squeaky bad! Need snacc." Set nudged me with his snout before he and Sif went to sleep on my stomach.

Well, now that's certainly an affinity. An easy one to hide too.


"Old Man! You've not fed me for the last 3 days! And then you ask why I always rebirth earlier than other hens!" I looked at my shoulder to see the massive Phoenix known as Fawkes perched on it. Well, the sleeve was torn now, my clothes are going through a rough time.

"What're you looking at little chick! Got some bird feed on you?" Fawkes screeched at me unhappily and looked through my clothes snapping at the pockets. Set and Sif were miraculously still sleeping on my lap so I couldn't move.

"Shoo, Fawkes! I already fed you!" Dumbledore said and the bird flew away.

"I'll remember this! Damm you Dumbledore! " Fawkes screeched and flew away.

'Well, that's something I'll have to adjust to.' I thought apprehensively, now I can understand creatures other than humans.

"Aha! Found it. Let's get one of the big ones, easier to change." Dumbledore said and then held out both his hands towards me.

I gave an audible gulp.

In one of his hands was a Wand. My wand, which I had given to Dad for safekeeping which now was in Dumbledore's hand, and a tiny part of me was happy that I cracked those ribs.

In the other hand was a black Mice with midnight shiny hair and little beady eyes looking straight at me. I knew what I had to do.

"Take your time. Transfiguration requires patience and a clear mind. Try to turn the mouse into something similar in mass and shape." Dumbledore said calmly.

'That's easy for you to say.' I thought taking one more look at the little mice rubbing his nose and preening over as I pulled out my wand and pointed at it.

"Don't use the wand. Try doing this without it." Dumbledore added and I put the wand down. More relieved than anything. If possible I would want to stay away from it.

'Okay, what's the first thing you can get to that's not complex. Think happy and simple things.' I prepped myself up and slowly brought a clear image in my mind. My index finger rose to point at the little mouse.

I wanted to close my eyes but at the same time, it would be better to focus on the task.


"Tell me it worked," I said taking off my blindfold and opening my eyes. I was looking at an Obsidian-colored watch. A pocket watch to be exact.

"Wonderful. You'll catch up to the rest of your class soon enough with talent like that." Dumbledore said chuckling.

" Now turn it back into a mouse."

This was the easier part, and with renewed confidence, I put on my blindfold again and pointed at the mouse.


The little guy turned back and looked around confused before nuzzling itself against my fingers.

"Wonderful aren't they," Dumbledore said looking at me from behind his glasses.

"Yes. Yes, they are." I said scratching the mouse on its fuzzy head and smiling as it stretched with pleasure.

"I believe it's getting late and you'll need to prepare for school tomorrow," Dumbledore said chirpily.

"Aww, no free days huh. Well, I've had enough holidays for this year anyway." I said and got up after giving the little mouse one last scratch.

"Goodnight little guy. Goodnight Headmaster." I said and got out of the office.


Authors Note: Read upto 16 chapters ahead on Patreön. Patre

It's the beginning of the month so probably the best time to join.

Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night. Now i gotta go meds.

Thanks for reading the chapter.