Ch 77: A Vault

*Anos's POV*

"So why are they so adamant at gathering us?" Alucard asked, scratching his ring.

"Beats me," Simon answered, shrugging.

I had an idea of what this was all about. The moment Hermione, Harriet, and Draco had asked me to get the others I had an inkling of what this was all about.

It was still night after Dinner and tomorrow Draco and Hermione will be leaving for the Holidays, just 2 days before Christmas.

"So what's all of this about?" Simon asked plopping on the couch as Alucard and I took our seats on individual chairs.

"We'll wait till Lan gets here," Harriet said confidently and I noticed Alucard's raised eyebrow.

"Well, then we'll be waiting for Half a Day more," Alucard said, sinking into the chair.

" Simon don't look back," I said and immediately Simon turned his head to look at a raised hand directly beside his head.

" I'm here," Lan said, standing up from behind the couch.

"You were sleeping on the ground?" I asked.

"Yes." Was the simple answer I received from my Blindfold wearing friend.

I simply shrugged. It wasn't that much of a surprise at this point and I had asked mostly out of curiosity.

"May we start. I wish to retire to my room before the Hour of the Wolf" Alucard interjected, urging Harriet to continue.

" Here." Hermione handed out a newspaper and my suspicions were confirmed.

"So this Gringotts place was robbed. And the thief didn't steal anything. Must be a really bad thief." Simon said, yawning.

" It wasn't robbed, it was broken into. Perhaps a hit on Gringotts reputation, if it can't protect their wealth then people might reconsider placing their fortunes in it. Not much use of a bank if it's breached on the regular." Alucard said, looking over each and every word of the Article carefully.

" People do seem to enjoy throwing insults and slander at each other. Much worse has been done to spread infamy. " Lan joined.

" Might've just been a fluke," I added.

"Belmont. You mentioned Thief instead of Thieves. You think this was done by a single person?" Alucard asked with a raised eyebrow.

" I mean, it depends on the Thief. There are some that can do this with just raw power." Simon replied, shrugging.

" Not really. If someone that powerful entered then the Dragons would notice and they're nigh impossible to subdue with Might, even by the strongest of Wizards, even Constellations would have trouble with just sheer strength." Alucard said, scratching his ring.

" Didn't know there were Dragons there. Maybe it really was just a fluke? I mean there's not much to entice someone at the Level of Constellation." Simon said, shrugging.

" It wasn't a fluke," Harriet interjected.

" Why do you think so," Alucard asked.

" I went with Hagrid to get money for my school supplies there. Hagrid took something from this Vault. He said it was something important for the school and Headmaster Dumbledore."

" I see. So the object that was taken had Importance, then this wasn't a fluke nor slander." Alucard hummed.

" I saw a three-headed dog on the Third floor." Draco decided to join.

"You saw a Cerberus? And why did you wait till now to tell us about it?" Alucard asked this time, truly surprised.

" I stopped him. He saw it on the Third Floor. It's supposed to be Forbidden anyway, no need to blurt it out and make everyone afraid. The teachers must be doing it for some reason." I said and watched Alucard's eyes shrink for a moment into slits, if I had blinked I would've missed it.

"So your point being? Secrecy isn't much frowned upon in the Wizarding World last I read. You could've told me and I would've kept the secret." Alucard said, sounding surprisingly agitated.

" Maybe you could've kept it. I trust you on that, but only telling doesn't seem that fair of a deal does it? If one knows then everyone knows. I trust all of you but I don't trust others. All of you are my friends and the others are not." I shot back.

Alucard scrutinized me for a second and through my Blindfold I looked him straight in the eyes, not giving away my gaze.

" Fair enough." Alucard finally said.

" So what do we do?" Harriet asked, looking from me to Alucard.

" What is there to do?" Alucard asked and then continued.

"I don't suppose any of it matters in the end. They might've just been flukes. If whatever is being guarded is in any danger I think there's enough our Professors have done to guard it."

"But if someone gets past the Cerberus?" Harriet pressed on.

"Then there would be another trial waiting for them. Another after that. And preferably another after that in a Labyrinth. You don't simply close your eyes and expect the world to disappear, Dumbledore of all people would know that." Alucard retorted and Harriet didn't have anything to reply with.

"But what if it's the maker of the Labyrinth that's behind it. Someone in Hogwarts that wants whatever is being protected." Hermione supplied.

" That's..... possible." Alucard agreed and Draco, Harriet, and Hermione looked triumphant.

" But, there can be measures against that as well but it's somewhat troubling indeed. What do you wish to do Potter?" Alucard asked looking up at Harriet who hesitated. Clearly, she hadn't thought of what to do after the agreement.

"We need to find who's behind this." Harriet finally said.

"I will help in finding who's behind this, after that it'll be your choice." Alucard nodded.

"I'll help," Lan said still awake.

" Puzzles interest me." He continued as all of us stared at him.

" Well I'll help but one of you will help me with Homework." Simon followed.

" I'll do it." Hermione rapidly agreed to his deal.

" Sweet."

" I suppose both of you are already on board?" I said looking at Hermione and Draco.

" Yeah, that dog nearly bit my head off. I want it out of the school." Draco said, shuddering.

" Well, I guess there isn't much of a choice for me. I'll help too." I agreed, making sure to not let my thoughts betray me as I looked at Alucard who gave a miniscule nod.


A/N: Hope all of you enjoyed the chapter.

For those that might wish to read ahead or look at some of my other work:


Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.