Ch 80: Christmas is here Part 2

*Anos's POV*

We sat there for what felt like hours but I looked at my phone to see it was a little more than one that had passed.

All of us were waiting for the other to say something, but did not know exactly what to say.

All of us were looking at different things. The fireplace, the Christmas Tree, the Sky in my case and a lot more but not at each other.

'Fuck it.' I thought and decided to speak.

"Hey Big man, I got you something too." I said getting up and going back to the tree and rummaging until I found a small black package.

" Here." I said handing it to Simon who took it before giving it a small shake.

" What's in there?"

" That's for you to find out."

He opened the box and read the bottle's label.

" Avari's Scribere Ink. How did you know?" He said looking up.

" What? Have you seen your handwriting? Also I just happened to listen in when Dad held you back on that day. Sor-" I couldn't get the next words out before I was tackled into a bear hug. Good thing I had infinity turned off.

"There, there. This thing helped me a lot too, your grades are gonna jump to the moon buddy." I said, patting him on the back.

It was a very very narrow window in which I bought that bottle of ink. Bless the workers in the one Day Delivery service.

"Lan." I called, handing him his.

"Don't know much about swords so I just got what I saw first. Hope it's helpful."

"It'll be. You have my gratitude." He nodded looking at the Whetstone. Let's just hope that sword was being sharpened for a good use.

"Alucard." I called and he looked surprised.

"For me?" He said with his hands halfway stretched not committing.

"Of course it is for you. Enjoy." I said handing him the Gold necklace with a blood vial attached to it.

"It's similar to mine. So now you don't have to hoard mine." I said, smirking.

" I.... I'm thankful but I don't have anything to give in return so I can't accept it." Alucard said, holding the vial out.

" Like I said. I want you to have this. I don't care if you have anything to give in return." I said smiling.

He had helped me a lot during the Dragon Heart ritual and even more before that. This was the least I could have possibly done.


"Just keep it." I said waving my palm to move on.

" Okay it seems like we're almost done here." I said moving on.

" But....." I heard a voice say and looked at Harriet.

" Yes?" I said feigning confusion.

"You forgot about mine." Harriet muttered and even I had to strain my ears to hear it.

"What're you talking about? I already left your gift beside you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Where?" Harriet asked, confused.

"Stand up and look behind you." I said smiling and Harriet carefully looked behind her.


A snout was the first thing that appeared from the Shadows, then the gleaming white fangs, then the blood red eyes and the Crimson forehead mark and then the rest of the Black Wolf's Huge body.

"That's yours." I said as Harriet looked incredulously at the wolf that nearly reached her neck while sitting.


"I learnt Conjuration magic,that's how. It'll be with you every time, if you don't want it with you for a time you can just ask him to come out of your shadow and wait at a place." I replied and the wolf looked between me and her before licking her hand.

It had taken considerable effort on my part to summon another Shikigami, I had hit my limit and already filled up 1 out of the 10 available spots in my Ten Shadows technique.

Even more effort to learn to infuse the Shikigami into another person or object's shadow, thankfully Set and Sif had been helpful on that part with their talk. Well more of snippets and me figuring out a way so neither they nor Harriet gets hurt in the process.

"But..... Where will I keep him?" Harriet asked even as the wolf nudged his forehead against her hand.

"He can go into your shadow. Not much of a cost, doesn't require food, but baths and some treats are always appreciated. He's similar to Set and Sif, it'll be easy." I said.

I wasn't exactly lying.

The Shikigami didn't eat mortal food, there were going to be a lot of souls running away from Privet drive.

Still looking at Harriet's hesitation at the Wolf's demand for attention I decided to add another


"Also they are not visible to Muggles, unless they have malicious intentions towards you." I added and that seemed to do the deal as she scratched the wolf behind its ears.

'The Dursleys will really appreciate this good boy.' I thought as the Wolf yelped happily.

It wasn't the safest thing, I can't exactly control my strength let alone protect others but it was a good enough substitution for the time.

Dudley fearing for his life was just an added bonus.

"So.... What're you gonna name him?" Simon asked, fascinated by the Wolf.

Harriet looked at the eager wolf before smiling.

" Midnight." She said and the wolf happily barked.

" Sounds good. Now I think we've got some more gifts to go through." I said getting everyone's attention back to the still loaded tree.

"Ah fuck I forgot about mine. Give me a second." Simon said, panicking.

"Your what?" I asked, interested.

" The reason for those noises at night." Simon said, running off.

" Alucard. Are you gonna be the one to tell him." I asked, looking at my pale Vampire friend.

" No." He said simply and I could feel the embarrassment seeping through him.

"Okay Harriet just....just close your eyes." I said, and I could see Alucard dreading Simon's footsteps.

"Wait, why?"

"Just do it." I said not intending to explain.

"Hey you have another pair of Blindfolds? Or a mask?" Alucard asked, looking between me and Lan.

"No." I answered simply.


The wood creakee and then appeared Simon with his hands clasped tight around a box.

"Hey why does Harriet have her eyes closed? And why are you twirling that knife Aluca- Eternal Sucker?" Simon said, correcting his slip of tongue.

"Nothing. Just prepared to do something necessary." Alucard answered.

"Weird but okay I guess. Here, look at this." Simon said, opening the box.

"Wait, you've got something in the box?" I asked both relieved and confused.

Simon answered by opening the box and in the box I saw 7 stone rings, all polished to their prim.

" So this is what's been keeping you awake at night?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yeah? What did you guys think?" Simon said, looking between me and Alucard before horror dawned on his face.

" Oh you sick fucks." He said horrified.

" Can I open my eyes now?" Harriet asked and I quickly said "Yes" to save myself.

"So you've been working on these?" I asked as four of us preened over into the box at the beautiful rings. All of them were made of grey stone and placed next to each other in a straight line.

"Yeah." Simon asked, looking embarrassed himself.

"So you were making these rings as gifts? That's what was making the noises?" Alucard asked before all three of us looked at Lan who looked back innocently.

" Have I done something foul?" Lan asked, confused.

"*Sigh* No. Nothing. So how did you make these?" I asked, intrigued as hell, the rings looked beautiful.

" Dad taught me Flintknapping. Right before he threw me into the Big Woods for a month." Simon answered with a grin, proud of his work.

"That does seem to be the Belmont way of doing things." Alucard said before nodding in appreciation at the rings.

"What're the Big Woods?" Harriet asked, tilting her head, unleashing an unforeseen horror.


Author's Note: Travelling is a bitch, and being at someone else's place for the first time is confusing like where the fuck is the bathroom? But I got to sleep on a bed so yay!

Been sleeping adequate lately but am a bit tired, might get some extra couple of hours on Sunday if I can hopefully.

Also we were on Trending 3 on Scribble Hub for my other fic, I could go on a tirade about how I never expected this when I first began writing this fic but I'm too sleepy to do that now [Maybe some other day?] so just a thank you to all of you for reading my work, whether this fic or the other one or any at all, I hope to provide the best I can for your enjoyment. Writing makes me happy.

You can read ahead if you wish on my Patreon;

Remember sleeping is important, hope everyone has a nice Day/Night and I'm gonna go hog a corner of the bed because a mattress feels heavenly to my back.