They Could Be Underwear Models

All around me, echoing through the trees, I could hear other wolves responding. My reptile brain immediately went into panic mode and while I didn't count the number, more than one was far too many. My heart raced, my breath came in bursts and I could feel the color drain from my face.

The wolf – presumably an older pup at this point – licked my cheek, as though to reassure me. As I glanced around anxiously, hearing the rustle of undergrowth and the snapping of twigs, I reached out a hand to sink into that luxurious fur at the base of his neck, only to feel my palm collide with skin.

"Don't worry," a young male voice consoled me.

I jumped and withdrew my hand as I refocused my attention on what should have been a wolf…only to find a young boy of roughly 13 or 14 kneeling in front of me, a big smile on his face and fluffy wolf ears twitching on his head. His hair was a pale grey with streaks of pale blonde and fell to his chin in natural waves. He was just beginning to blossom into some good looks. I guess he had blessed genes or something.

"They're friends! And you're a friend, too! So let's all be friends!" He was adorable, with big yellow eyes and a toothy grin, with a singular mark on his cheek and a…wagging…tail??? I hadn't noticed the first time, but as I stared dumbfounded at him, I also noted that he was very much…well…naked.

"Wh…wh…who…what-" I stammered, only to be distracted by things bursting through the brush of the forest, revealing themselves in this tiny clearing.

I was suddenly surrounded…by what appeared to be a host of Calvin Klein models, each sporting a set of wolf ears on their heads and wolf tails, with similar marks on their faces, necks, and, in one instance, chest. They all wore clothing that contained at least some kind of fur accent, while many others wore straight-up furs wrapped around forearms and calves. With them came at least a dozen or so wolves ranging in pattern and color so diverse, they may as well have been dogs.

Not a single female could be found among the group…which made sense if this was a hunting party or a forward guard. But still. It didn't make me feel any less vulnerable.

Upon seeing me, however, the general mood of the group changed. When many appeared, they looked concerned or on-guard, but now they were muttering among themselves and looking…surprised?

"Where…where's the puppy….?" I began as I looked back at the boy. My head was beginning to spin and fear was directing my behavior at this point.

"I'm not a puppy! I'm an adult. Can't you tell?" he huffed, crossing his arms and pretending to look offended, but he quickly melted and grinned. "You give very good scratches, by the way."

I stared. Slack-jawed and stupefied. That's all I really could do, anyway. However, once my brain turned over and one plus one equaled two again, the conclusion I came to…still didn't make any sense.

"Huh…? Wha….HUH?!"

He could only grin at me and wag his tail as another male approached. From the corner of my eye, I could see him stooping slightly, as if in reverence to the young teenager sitting buck-ass-nekkid in front of me.

"Leigh? You really did find a female?" he said, glancing at me and eyeing me up and down like I was some kind of five-course, meat-centric meal. I was hoping they didn't mean to make me the main course, but with that drooly side-eye, who knew? These people…beings…clearly weren't human.

"Yeah! Isn't she great?! The prettiest one in the world! Just like the Goddess! Even her clothes and her smell – they all match! Brother will be proud, I'm sure!" the pup/child responded, sticking his small chest out and planting his hands on his hips. Once again, it took me a second to realize they were talking about me…but who was this 'Goddess' person…? Maybe another poor soul who died and landed here, instead of Heaven.

"Thanks…I guess? I'm not that great, honest-" I began, but found myself cut off by a series of gasps.

"How dare you talk about yourself like that!!!" Leigh said, a look of horror gracing his good looks. Man, give him a few years, he'd be knocking the ladies dead. But anyway, his face shifted to one of reverence very shortly thereafter. "In all my years, I've never seen another female as beautiful as you. I've been to the coast and met the mermaids, and I've even been to the city and seen the females there…you are more beautiful than any of them could ever hope to be…"

I…still didn't agree with him, but if I was pretty to them, the women of this…world?...were probably dogs…no offense to dogs, of course. Honestly, I had no idea how to respond. He was just so…insistent.


"Which is why you HAVE to meet my brother! RIGHT NOW! He's the chief of our village!" Leigh then got to his feet – briefly bringing me face-to-face with his little solder, ohdearlord – and grabbed my arm, quickly yanking me to my own feet. I couldn't help but cringe and yell briefly.

"Could you at the very least put on some damn clothes, first?!" I demanded, trying to cover my face and shield his innocence with one hand. He was startled, as though I'd just hit him and he let go of my arm as he wrapped his tail around his front and tears welled in his eyes.

"Ah…I'm sorry…," he whimpered as his ears drooped. I guess they really weren't accessories, after all, but…Ohmygodhisface. I went from pissed off to regretful as I fumbled for a way to console him…just like earlier when I thought he was going to bite my face off…as a wolf.

I'm still not used to any of that and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

Still, the others who had assembled in a circle around us seemed to relax a little. They had also jumped when I snapped, but when realizing the source of my displeasure, several began to chuckle. The one who had approached Leigh and I pulled out a spare fur…kilt? I guess? And handed it to him with a wordless smile.

Leigh perked up and pulled it on. When he was done, he presented himself and grinned. "Is that better, Miss Lady?" he asked childishly and I couldn't help but sigh and laugh a little.

"At least you're not naked…" Though, if I'm honest, I'd prefer the goofy furball version. Still, he wagged his tail and pumped his fist in the air.

"Great! Let's go!" With that, Leigh hooked an arm through mine and began parading me away. A few of the warriors began to follow, but many of the warrior/wolf pairs wandered back off into the woods, likely to reassume their guard positions.

I just wonder what the heck kind of place I've landed myself in…