Baby Bunny Belly

It was soft and humble, but still sincere and demanding. When the kiss broke, we panted gently in surprise and lust as we stared at each other, his sinewy frame poised above mine…

But a jerk was still a jerk and a little admission like that wasn't going to get him off so easily. I racked my fingers, pinching my middle behind my thumb before I flicked his forehead. I glared as he startled, sitting back and touching his forehead with a pout.

"What was that for?" Gharret demanded as he sat back on his heels. This pulled the blanket off of me, so I had to scramble for enough sheets to cover my lady bits. I huffed in reaction and sat up as well.

"Many things. A few sweet words ain't going to get you into my pants after what you pulled," I grumbled at him and he frowned.

"You…But what you said…"

"I stand by what I said," I replied, lifting my chin and snorting. "You are gorgeous. If you were from my home, you wouldn't have looked twice at me. You'd be starring in some movie, with a supermodel on your arm…" I drifted off when I realized that some of the words I said probably wouldn't have made sense, and he cocked his head like a confused puppy as I said them. I sighed and raked my fingers through my hair. "That doesn't excuse being a jerk and attempting to have me stripped naked. In public, no less."

He frowned and glanced down at the bedding, a thoughtful expression on his face. Then, after a moment, he perked up, as though he'd come to a conclusion.

"So you're a prude?"

My hand slammed against my own forehead so fast, the resounding clap echoed in the room. He then continued.

"Nudity is…common, I suppose. When we shift forms, we cannot always take our clothing with us. Females don't really have to worry about shifting, but…I assume it's not much of a bother to most since we do it so often-"

"Where I come from, people don't just walk up and down the street without clothes! Much less…change into animals!"

Gharret blinked, looking very innocent and child-like for a brief moment as he stared in wonder. I became confused and frowned at him. What I had said wasn't all that-

"You really are an Otherworlder, aren't you?"

I stared at him and he stared back.

"…I don't know what that means." He bobbed his head in response, as though that were typical.

"You came here from another world. You're not a beastman and so your physiology is different. I…don't remember the word that the Goddess had used in reference to her species, but…" He paused for a moment as I stared at him with a frown. "Is it true that you are fertile all year round?"

My face instantly lit up like a Christmas tree again. I was tempted to give him another flick, but he was just being curious, so I gave it a pass.

"Human, maybe? And…yes, I suppose so…I have moments all year where I…could possibly conceive…I guess." I coughed and turned my head away at the conversation's awkward turn. There was an unbearably long pause as well before he cleared his throat.

"…Yes, ah…I suppose that sounds about right. We should consult with the Elders tomorrow, then. My knowledge of the lore isn't as…extensive."

There was a bit of silence again before I looked back at him. He looked just as awkward about the whole thing as I was and it made me wonder what was going on.

"Why is my fertility important?" I finally asked. I mean, for all I really knew, I was making blank eggs. Then again, forever-a-virgin, I'd never found the right guy before, especially at my age. I watched him shift a little where he sat. Clearly what he was about to say was uncomfortable as hell for him.

"Ah…most females…are fertile once a year. The rare few – likely descendants of the Goddess – can be fertile twice a year. Those females tend to produce much stronger offspring…"

While this was clearly very important information to note, especially when it came to my own worth here in this world, he still seemed to be beating around the bush. So…I stared at him.

…and stared…

…and stared…

…until he started to fidget and writhe under my gaze. If he hadn't wanted to say anything, he wouldn't have been so weird about it. I was just giving him an opening, is all. Finally, he sighed.

"While I have never been mated…I believe I would be happy if…I became your mate."

For the first time, I noticed his cheeks had turned a lovely shade of pink and I couldn't help but smirk a little. Mr. Douchebag was in lust with me. I wanted to do a dance and rub it in…but that wouldn't be very mature and would likely push him away in the future. After all, the Chief has a REALLY comfortable bed.

"I'm honored that you feel that way," I said, doing my best to be diplomatic, though that seemed to be exactly what he wanted to hear. He perked up as his tail started thumping on the bed behind him.

"But…," I continued and the thumping paused. "But I can't be won so easily. You've got to work for it."

His tail-thumping continued as my explanation had evidently given him some sort of renewed hope. I mean, could you blame me? The guy was a whole-ass bakery of white-chocolate chunk cookies.