Hypnotic Hips

The morning after left me feeling sore in various places, though most especially between my legs, as well as my thighs. My skin was sticky from sweat, but so was another place down south.

I was, at the very least, quite warm and cozy curled up against Gharret as he lay against me. Like yesterday morning, he was wrapped around my back, though completely nude this time. Feeling his hard chest against my back was lovely, so I stretched lazily, arching and shifting to try and pull some kinks and sore spots free. This only made him pull me tighter against him as his hands wandered over my form.

One hand found my breast, fondling it with little care, though it was one of my aching spots. I grumbled as his fingers found an overly sensitive nub.

"Good morning…," he purred against the back of my neck and I jumped a little.

The jerk had been awake?! Ugh!

"And how long have you been awake…?" I asked with a huff. I could feel him smile into my hair.

"Long enough." His hand moved from my breast and down over my stomach…

I quickly slapped his hand.

"Nuh-uh. I feel gross. I need a bath before you can even THINK of doing that again." My stomach rumbled loudly, as though to remind me. "And food. Bath and food."

Gharret chuckled and pushed himself up onto his elbow to look down at me, before pulling on my shoulder slightly to turn me over. He'd opened his mouth to say something before he spied something on my chest, giving a soft gasp as his cheeks pinkened. I blinked up at him curiously as my face reddened and I covered my breasts with my arms.

"What?" I squeaked, almost afraid of his answer.

All I got was a soft, warm smile before he reached a hand to my chest. I eyeballed it like a snake would a mouse, but it landed above my breasts, over my heart. I looked down to see…

…a wolf emblem in stark, blazing white, had tattooed itself there.

"I didn't know you cared so much for me…," he said softly, petting the little wolf head affectionately. His tenderness and the look in his eyes made my heart thump against his fingers. When I said nothing, he just chuckled and continued.

"The placement of the mark in where it appears on the female's body at the height of copulation…indicates the female's feelings towards the male upon their first mating…"

I bit my lip. I could just deny everything, but…there were many aspects of his personality that I enjoyed, some publicly and some secretly, and many that I detested, but still very much admired in him. That much was true. And being physically attractive was just icing on an already delicious cake. Like taking an entire loaf of walnut streusel blueberry bread and dunking the entire thing in chocolate…

AND THEN putting icing glaze on it.

That's what he was to me. It just took me a bit to look past the chocolate-and-icing-glaze-coating. He was definitely one sexy donut.

"Well. I mean…I just…," I began but found there really was no talking my way out of it. It was done and as far as I could tell, there was no moving the thing.

He leaned down over me and delivered a soft, chaste kiss to my lips. My heart fluttered in my throat far more than yesterday's kiss at lunch…because of the gentleness and love that it was delivered with. When he broke and looked into my eyes, our noses touching gently, I felt myself break a little in return.

"You don't have to say it yet…not until you're ready…and I know it's only been a few days, but…Zion? …I love you."

At that, he kissed my forehead and pulled away and I felt my heart do a full-on backflip before climbing up my throat and jumping out of my mouth, and escaping down the hall.

Never have I ever…had…any man…tell me something like that.

He released me from any obligation to hear it in return. He only wished to convey his own feelings, and I…I didn't know how to take it or what to do. I lay frozen, dazed by the sudden onslaught of…FEELINGS.


I hadn't really noticed that he'd got to his feet and stretched, yawning widely.

"I suppose I need to bring you to the bath, hm? And get you something to eat." He glanced over his shoulder at me just as I looked at him.

Damn, dat booty, doe…

"Mmmhm," was my distracted response. I had bit my lip at the sight. He chuckled, apparently aware of my sudden preoccupation.

"So…bath or food first?" he asked.


I watched him flex and pretty sure I bit my lip in half.

"Zion…," he grumbled, then shook his head and chuckled before spinning around.

The sudden flash of his…parts…startled me out of booty-reverie and I gasped. He was clearly having a case of the 'mornings' and pushed his hips in my direction as almost a threat to use it.

"Wat." I cleared my throat and dragged my eyes away from his hips and the little V-shape that pointed my eyes downward. "Yes? What?"

Gharret tossed his head back and laughed, hands planted on his hips.

"You really were a virgin, hm?"

I immediately chucked a pillow at him.