"I am all right. What about you?" Andy's eyes were fixed on Su Xin.
She shook her head and smiled. "I'm all right. You had been standing here for quite some time."
Andy smiled, "Nothing. I was thinking about my past. You know, when I was a kid, I always used to enjoy these rains. When I looked into this rain, those thoughts flashed in my mind."
He shook his head. "You will not believe it, but when I saw you for the first time, it was also raining that day. Maybe these rains have a special connection with me."
Su Xin blushed slightly when she heard her words and turned her gaze towards the rain.
However, after a while, her eyes became moist. "I'm not sure why I felt a sadness in these rains; it was as if heaven was in mourning for something. I could feel its sadness."
Andy turned to look at Su Xin, his eyes narrowed for a moment. "Don't know. Maybe somewhere out there, heaven has lost its child. But let me tell you, I will always be there for you."