Something Happened

"Do you know what I wanted to say?" Feng Rong asked, while her eyes were fixed on An Di.

She didn't know why, but her heart was pounding faster.

But contrary to her expectations, An Di shook his head, but he still had a smile on his face.

She was slightly disappointed, but seeing a smile on An Di's face, a trace of doubt arose in her heart.

Her eyes were fixed on him for a while before she took a deep breath.

"I know that you may not be expecting this, but this may be the last chance when we meet. I will be leaving this world soon and I don't want to have any regret in my heart."

An Di was quiet, while he stared at Feng Rong with his eyes narrowed. But he still has a smile on his face, as if he knew what she was going to say.

She again took a deep breath to calm her pounding heart.