Inside the Tomb

[Last Chapter Edited and Revised. Please check it out.

"Are you ready?" The voice of Duan Ling Tian jolted him out of his trance.

He gave him a slight nod and asked, "But do you know where her tomb is?"

However, Duan Ling Tian shook his head. "The Phoenix tomb has remained a mystery for many years, but even if someone discovered it and wanted to keep it a secret, it will eventually reveal itself. We must wait for the right moment."

"But, as I mentioned before, many powerful figures are lurking around the city, but the good news is that their cultivation is limited to the Heavenly Realm, otherwise we couldn't even go near the tomb,"

"You could argue that the Demons attacking the continent at this time was a coincidence or planned. However, the timing was perfect."

"To tell the truth, this lower world contains more secrets than the upper world. There are many things we still don't know." He sighed and looked at An Di.