The Lower World Shook

But suddenly, the earth shook, and the clouds rumbled as the disastrous blizzard swept over the city.

But it was not just the Blue Phoenix city, it was the whole lower world that was affected by the phenomenon.

At the Eternal Palace, the Sect Master was just gazing outside the window. His eyes stared at the whole Sect. His eyes seemed lost. No one knew what he was thinking, but suddenly, the entire Sect Shook.

The Sect Master's eyes opened wide, and he suddenly disappeared. His figure was floating as he stared at the sky. The entire sky was shrouded by dark clouds.

His body shuddered, and an ominous feeling rose in his heart. But then a chilly breeze touched his skin. When he looked around, he noticed it was snowing.

"What is going on?" He muttered. Even though he had lived a long life, this was the first time he had seen anything like this.

"I must inform the ancestors," his figure vanished.


At one of the Mountains of Eternal Palace.