Reaching the Altar

The entire Lower World was shrouded in thick black as thunder rumbled and heavy rain poured.

The Altar remained suspended in the sky, while many cultivators struggled to ascend the stairs.

An Di's cultivation was restrained as he stepped onto the stairs, and a sudden pressure enveloped his body. He felt as if he couldn't circulate the energy within his body.

His brow furrowed briefly before his lips curled into a smile.

But the pressure couldn't hold him back, and his body flickered as he hurriedly ascended the stairs.

However, as he ascended, he felt the pressure increase exponentially, and he even felt something enter his consciousness.

"Do you think you can restrain me with this power?" He muttered quietly as his gaze shifted to the altar, and his body flickered again as he took large steps towards it.

His blue eyes turned slightly red and suddenly he felt that the pressure enveloping him reduced a lot.