
"Didn't I say that your future is dark?"

Feng Huishan was flabbergasted and his mind blanked; how could this Young Man... But then his eyes widened, and he struggled to look back and see An Di's smiling face?

"Y...You are that man," He struggled as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Excellent. As expected, you are not a fool." An Di shook his head and looked Feng Huishan in the eyes.

"But why? I did nothing to you." His eyes were filled with confusion, and he struggled to speak.

"There are some things you should not know. Anyway, you're lucky to die at my hands."

"You may have many questions, but keep one thing in mind: always be humble in front of someone you don't know, and don't flaunt your power."

Feng Huishan's thoughts were jumbled. He wanted to speak, but his power was being drained, and weakness and darkness enveloped him.