Forced Eviction

"Xin'er, I have to tell you something. It's regarding your engagement."

Su Xin's mind went blank when she heard those words. She didn't expect that her father has arranged an engagement for her.

"Xin'er," Seeing Su Xin stunned, her father called her out. Even he felt guilty about telling her about this at this time. But he didn't want to hold the news for long. The soon she knew, the soon she would be prepared.

Su Xin's body quivered as she looked at her father. "How can you arrange for an engagement, Father?"

"I know this is shocking for you. But you should be prepared." Su Xin's father sighed.

"You should take care of yourself and prepare for the banquet; many important figures will be attending."

His figure suddenly disappeared from the room. Meanwhile, Su Xin was unable to process what had happened.

When she was in the lower world, she promised An Di that he would be the only man in her life, but now her father had set up an engagement?