
An Di stood by the window in a lavishly decorated room, staring out at the entire Profound Blossom Sect.

It's been a day since he met Zhang Zhiyi, Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect, and he's agreed to go to that location to harvest the special item for the wine.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and reflected on what had happened previously.

After speaking with the Crown Prince, he left the Royal Palace.

But he knew that the Crown Prince would return to him in the future and beg him to accompany him to the Secret Realm.

His lips curled into a smile as he remembered the face of the Crown Prince when he told him that he was leaving the Royal Palace.

He even met the Princess before leaving the Royal Palace.

Even though she had a special body and would help him, he knew that once the seal of this world opens up, the Princess would leave this world

And anyway, the more powerful she becomes, the more advantage he had in the future.