
"Enough with the talks. Are you ready?"

Zhang Zhiyi locked her gaze on An Di, her eyes filled with battle intent.

An Di smiled slightly, nodded, and flew away, putting a gap between them.

Zhang Zhiyi's eyes narrowed as a horrifying aura erupted around her and she vanished.

However, as soon as she vanished, An Di vanished from his place and reappeared at a distance. He had a playful grin on his face.

Zhang Zhiyi appeared behind An Di. Her pupils constrict for a moment as blue elements gathered around her. These blue elements gathered to form a drop of water.

The drop of water transformed into an arrow and was shot at an incredible speed towards An Di.

The Speed was so quick that it arrived at An Di in an instant.

An Di's eyes narrowed for a moment before he waved his hand, causing a small tear in space to appear in front of the arrow, which flew into the tear and vanished.